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Kanazawaya Flavor Chart

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Kanazawaya純米吟醸 うすにごり生新酒純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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Of all the drinks I've been drinking lately. Quite fruity flavor Very gentle and sweet on the palate Clear with no cloying taste I think I'm going to finish this one as soon as possible!
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We had this sake at "Japanese Cuisine Takayama" in Akishima City, Tokyo. It was a crisp sake that went well with the delicious Japanese food.
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I learned that they also put a lot of effort into heating up the sake, so from the second glass on, I had everything warmed up. A nice aroma, lukewarm temperature. Sweet, sweet, sour and spicy at the end, and it feels like it warms up as you swallow. Delicious with a good sense of umami. ❣️ I enjoyed it with Kakuni. The sake cups in the line were served without saying anything and we were told to "try it". Three kinds of sake were warmed up! From left to right: soft, middle: clear and tasty, right: sour. When it cooled down, the left one was the sweetest with the most rice flavor. From left to right: tin, stainless steel, copper The difference was in the tin, stainless steel, and copper! All sakes are Matsu no Tsukasa Special Junmai. I was amazed at how different they were 😳! Listening to the stories about how the taste changes depending on the ingredients and temperature, I wondered how many different ways one sake can be tasted. The depth of how to enjoy the sakes made my drunken head spin with excitement 😆. To be continued
Pon. Good evening 🤩. I often drink at different temperatures, but it's interesting to compare drinks with different materials for the boar cup 🤩...tin boar cups are hard to find 😁.
Hi Koizo! I was surprised because I rarely get this kind of thing done at izakaya 😳Yes, this is not a boar cup but a chirori, so it must be even harder 😅Thank you for this valuable experience 🙏.
Hi Pon-chan 😀 This is the fun of drinking outside, because you can't compare drinks like this unless you go to a restaurant 😀. It's really infinite how many ways you can have fun with one sake 😀.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🐶. It's not easy to do this kind of experiment at home! Looks like fun! I'm getting a craving for stewed cubes! 😂
Hi Yasbay, ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I can't have 3 types of chili at home 😅I couldn't help but say wow when you answered because you did what I wanted to do 😆 I love drinking outside 🎶.
Doggie 🐶 Hello ☀. Yes, maybe I like experimenting 🤣 it's fun 🎶. I'm sad that when I make the cubes at home they are very small 😂I order it when it's on the menu💕.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Chilori changes the taste: ❗️ I've never thought of it myself, although I've heard that it does. ‼️ I'd like to try it, but I can enjoy cold sake at home with different sake cups, but not with heated sake...
Hi ymdaz! I was surprised to see such a big difference 😳💦It's hard to get all the chirori at home 😅I'll try my best to get 2 🙂😂.
The restaurant is very elaborate with lemon and cold sake. I agree with the comment about the tin. I wonder if the SUS, which is said to take away the smell, has been refined in the same way? Did the copper ions bring about a subtle alteration on the tongue at the end?
Good morning, Mr. Lan ☀☀☀. We were talking about drinks and drinking, so maybe you served us 😁. SUS can take away the smell of fish 😳I wonder if that's why it's so clear 🤔Copper is not good for me and my husband 😅.
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The 10th Meishu Kikizukai in OSAKA④. Kitanohana Sake Brewery / "Kanazawa-ya" Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture Fukushima Prefecture has its own unique yeasts, including F7-01 (commonly known as "dream yeast"), TUA (fermentable at low temperatures), and TM-1 (low acid production). Kanazawa-ya Special Junmai Dry It has a clean and spicy taste from the first sip, with a lingering bitter aftertaste. TUA yeast is used. Kanazawa-ya Junmai Ginjo Aroma: Quite fruity. It is gorgeous, sweet and delicious, and quite my favorite type. Delicious! Junmai Ginjo: A sake that speaks of the Japan of tomorrow. Well-balanced sweetness, bitterness, and acidity. Made with Yume-no-Kou (dreamy aroma) rice and dream yeast. Kanazawa-ya Junmai Daiginjo The aroma is fruity, and the sweetness spreads from a slight bitterness. The aroma is fruity, with a slight bitterness, followed by sweetness. The label was apparently not finished in time, so the label was the same as the Daiginjo, only with a Junmai sticker on the bottle. The label is said to be changed at a later date. The woman who worked at the brewery was very brisk and recommended the sake to us in an easy-to-understand manner.
Good evening, Nemuchi 😃. I've had Kanazawa-ya, but the sake I found at Takimoto called Hoshi-Jumo from this brewery was sweet and delicious 😋.
bouken-san, good evening🌛I found quite a variety in Kanazawa-ya alone, from fruity to refreshing and well-balanced types😊I thought it was a very interesting brewery👍I'm sure the Hoshi Boast is delicious too 😋.

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