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It's been a while since I've had a rice bag. I had a hard time deciding which one to buy, but I went to Aeon and bought this one. I chilled it well and took a sip. It's delicious, I like the taste. Kamonishiki is good, isn't it?
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Purchased at a mass retailer on a clearance sale. It has a different taste from the packaged sake and the packaged sake I bought before. It didn't feel right when drunk cold as usual, but when drunk at room temperature, the aroma and flavor of the rice opened up and it was delicious. Considering the sale price of 1,100 yen, I was very satisfied. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (+⭐️⭐️)
Komebukuro芳醇 越後仕込 純米吟醸
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Kamo City, Niigata Brewed by Kamo Nishiki Shuzo Meshibukuro Houjou Echigo-shikkomi Junmai Ginjyo It has a completely different taste from that of the packaged sake. When I drank it cold, I didn't like it. Then I tried it at room temperature. It was great! First of all, it permeates the throat smoothly and refreshingly, After that, the delicious taste of rice spreads overwhelmingly in the mouth at once. Then, the rice flavor spreads overwhelmingly in the mouth. And you can enjoy the lingering taste for a while. It is a wonderful sake.
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I bought it to try because it was on sale at a nearby supermarket for 1,600 yen (a bottle), a 30% discount. I did not expect much, but it was surprisingly good. I expected it to be light and dry since it is a Niigata sake, but it was a solid ginjo-shu with a rich umami flavor. It is more than enough for everyday drinking.
Komebukuro無濾過 純米吟醸
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When I was browsing at a local liquor store, I saw that Kamonishiki was available for less than 1,000 yen, so I decided to buy it right away and opened it as soon as I got home. This may be the first time for me to drink Junmai Ginjo at room temperature at home. The sweetness and umami of the rice are strong on the palate. It doesn't have an expansive aroma, but I think it brings out the best of the rice.
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This is a great sake that you can buy at the Aeon supermarket. It's the second label of the packaged sake, and it's a great sake for everyday drinking. I wish it was available at Aeon Group convenience stores.
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Kamoshiki's rice bag unfiltered daiginjo that I saw at a supermarket in Tohoku. I've only seen Kamonishiki sake in Tokyo, but I saw a lot of Kamonishiki rice bags in a supermarket in Miyagi, and I bought one as a souvenir! The taste is different from the one in the paper bag. The aroma is a light pear-like fruit, and when you put it in your mouth, the sweetness and sourness of the rice leaves the taste of the rice in the center of your tongue. Alcohol content: 15 degrees Rice polishing ratio: 50%.
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Record of 2021/7/10 Kamonishiki Shuzo Kamonishiki Echigo-Shikomi Unfiltered Sake Junmai Ginjo It was a light sake like water.
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Sweetness 3 Clear 4 Fruity 3 Dry 3 Sake character 3.5 Fruity at first, with a touch of sweetness, and then a touch of spiciness. Not a bad balance. I would like to drink it again. Yamaya
Komebukuro越後仕込 無濾過酒純米吟醸
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   I bought a bag of rice from Kamoshiki, which is also made by the same company, at a nearby supermarket, because it is almost impossible to get katsuda-sake in Niigata Prefecture. It's hard to imagine from the packaging and the claim, it's 1,100 yen for a four-bottle bottle, plus a decent price. I've never tasted this sake, so it's not really comparable. It has a slight sweet aroma🎈 lightly bitter and pungent. It's a fine, light and dry taste. It was a great complement to any dish ✨
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It's put in a rice bag. They're shaded so the quality is preserved. This time, I'll have it with beef tenderloin stew. Because it is unfiltered, the taste is clean and strong. I'd like to try this brewery's cargo-filled sake someday. Fruity aroma, soft and sweet on the palate, easy to drink, with a refreshing aftertaste, but still has the feel of Japanese sake The chilled sake is crisp and crisp, and there's a little bit of astringency in the aftertaste, I think, and the body heat in your mouth spreads the aroma. Nice.

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