I wanted to drink the same sake from Aichi.
It is as refreshing as water. I wonder if the acidity level also goes up when the temperature goes up?
It is too easy to drink due to the fact that it is 10% alcohol.
I drank it as a souvenir from a recent trip to Nagoya, a nightcap.
Although it is a junmai sake, it has a low alcohol content of 10% and is a sweet sake.
It tasted more like sugar than fruity, with a hint of sweetness, and was a sake that tasted like nothing I had ever had before lol.
Sakae Sake Square (6) cup
I bought some Taraba with Waragamizu and drank it again 🍶.
The mouthfeel is firm, but it's very smooth.
Delicious. You can drink it in small sips.
It was fun to see so many people enjoying themselves in the venue 🎶.
There were soloists just like me, people in groups, a wide range of ages, men and women of all ages!
Everyone is my friend! I was so happy to be a part of this group 😊.