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3-57 Tenjinmachi, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
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〰fixture 2022/09🌾 Yamadanishiki produced in Shizuoka Purchased at a hotel store near Lake Hamana during a sightseeing tour of Shizuoka Subdued ginjo aroma. The rounded umami of the rice lingers gently on the palate. This is also a food sake that is designed to go well with meals.
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〰fixture 2022/10🌾Domestic rice Hamamatsu Sake Brewery is located with Hamamatsu Castle, a sacred place for success as "Hamamatsu, the City of Success Hamamatsu Sake Brewery is located with Hamamatsu Castle, a sacred place for success as Hamamatsu Castle was a foothold for the unification of Japan. Hamamatsu Castle is an important castle that served as a foothold for the unification of Japan. It is also called "Shuseijo (castle of success)". It is also called "Shusejo," meaning "castle of success" in Japanese. The castle is named after this symbolic name. It is an auspicious sake named after this symbolic name. Purchased at a hotel near Lake Hamana during a sightseeing tour of Shizuoka! Shizuoka Prefecture's first sake brewed by a female Toji! Eel dishes with Hamamatsu Castle The dry sake "Shisejo" goes perfectly with the eel dishes at Hamamatsu Castle!
出世城中汲み 純米吟醸 誉富士純米吟醸中取り
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Personal preference 3.2/5 Ingredient rice: Etsuyofuji Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 18 I bought this bottle when I went to Lake Hamanako to eat eel. It has a sharp taste with the sweetness of the rice coming through afterwards. I'm getting used to this type, but I think it's because of its high alcohol content 😅. This one has less dryness and heaviness than Tamagawa, but it's similar to Tamagawa, so I think it can be served on the rocks. I served it with my first homemade fried bean curd tai-don on this day! It was a little seasoned, but it was just right for this sake! Thank you for the meal 😋.
Hi Ofuji, ☀️ I've never seen this sake before 😳It looks so robust! I wonder if it can be heated up from now on? I see you're cooking 🎶Our fried tai tai and sake looks delicious 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I haven't been there that many times, but I've only seen it in Tokai! I thought it was cosy and I bought too much fried bean curd, so I gave it a try! I want to be able to make atte ✌️.
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Purchase at the brewery 19% alcohol by volume Not all at once, but a little at a time dry taste
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Shizuoka Prefecture. Hamamatsu City. Hamamatsu Sake Brewery Co. Shisejo Junmai Ginjo. A small bottle purchased at the Shizutetsu Store during the Obon vacation trip (Osaka to Shizuoka to Kanagawa Prefecture). It is served cold. There is not much of an upfront aroma, but some alkaloa and a very subtle ginjo aroma. It flows smoothly down the palate and gives a beautiful impression. The sweetness is restrained and the mild umami is stronger. As the temperature rises, the umami and alcohol sensations spread and assert themselves at the same time. I was not expecting a classic type, but it is much easier to drink than I expected. The umami is mellow and not enough for my taste, but I guess that depends on your taste. Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol Content: 15 to 16 degrees Celsius
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787 2004/6 Label and record only Dezejo Junmai Ginjo 60% 15-16° 04/5 B Hamamatsu Shuzo, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka 300 At Hamamatsu
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[3.5 A gift from a friend. The aroma is a bit lactic acidic and fresh. The first time it was opened, it gave a strong impression of being a bit dry, and it seemed like it would go well with a meal or warmed sake, but a few days after opening the bottle, the bitterness and slight fruity flavor came out, and it was well-balanced and delicious. We enjoyed it with a meal.
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5/10 We were served a local sake from Hamamatsu. It is made by the local Hamamatsu sake brewery and is famous for being the only female toji in the prefecture. The castle is Hamamatsu Castle. This one is made from the first original rice for sake brewing in Shizuoka Prefecture, "Honorifuji". It is a mutant of Yamada-Nishiki, but it is difficult to say whether it is Yamada-Nishiki-like. I had heard that it produces a full flavor and taste, but this sake is a bit pale and dry. Since I had drunk a low-alcohol sake just before, I could feel more sake-like characteristics.
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2021 0219 f i r s t a n d f o r m a t i o n s castle of one's birth Daiginjo Alcohol 16°-17° C Rice polishing ratio 40 300ml Hamamatsu Shuzo Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture
出世城誉富士 特別純米特別純米
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The top of the line. Full-bodied, tasty and heavily mellow. Sweetness and spiciness in the aftertaste. The sweetness comes back again when you roll it on your tongue. Because it is a very rich sake, it is better to be served with simmered dishes than sashimi.
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Polished rice 70%. When I was on a business trip, I bought this sake because I didn't know how to make it and it looked interesting. It is yellow in color. It has a strong 🍋 aroma. You can feel the fluffy aroma. It has a round attack. The aftertaste is long and changes to an alcohol feeling. It's quite interesting. It has an elusive taste. Even if you keep rolling it around in your mouth, the taste keeps changing. At the end, you can feel the sourness. I think it's a good sake😋.
Last one on 11/29. It has a mild sweetness thanks to the glutinous rice, and a bit of sourness, so it was easy to drink.

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