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Brands from Choryo Shuzo

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Inenokuninoinenosake露葉風 辛口 特別純米
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#Drinking at home I thought it was refreshing for a Nara sake, but it turned out to be Choryu. It may be because of its yellow appearance, or because it is a Choryu, but it is a refreshing sake with little umami. However, it has a strong astringency and bitterness. It is not bad, but I will not buy it again.
Inenokuninoinenosake特別純米酒 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Choryu Shuzo, Kitakasugi-gun, Nara Prefecture, Japan Special Junmai sake, unfiltered, unpasteurized, brewed in 2021 Sake brewed with Nara Prefecture's "Rohafu" rice suitable for sake brewing. It is a very dry and thick sake.
Inenokuninoinenosake露葉風 山廃特別純米酒特別純米山廃
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At Home. Introducing Choryu, a good sake I see - ‼️ This brand was also Choryu, wasn't it? I was wondering what to buy at the store when I found this brand and was surprised to see it. ‼️ It is often introduced in Sake no Wa and I thought it was an unusual name, so I was surprised when I connected with it... ‼️ The aroma is gorgeous with a hint of sweetness, and in the mouth it has a well-balanced sweet and sour taste, with a touch of bitterness at the back of the throat, and then it quickly goes downhill. It is a delicious sake. ‼️ It seems to be recommended to be served at room temperature or hot, so I will give it a try. I was driving to Choryu Brew Park at the time, but next time I'd like to visit with a drinking capacity.
Good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. Thank you for the invitation. I am sorry, but due to my work, it is difficult for me to attend the meeting. I am always envious of your gatherings and browse with my fingers in my mouth.
Good morning, good morning, good morning. I am sorry for the invitation to join you on this occasion. Please keep in touch: ‼️

Brands from Choryo Shuzo

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.