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Seiryo Flavor Chart

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The last of the Maikaze series I bought this year is "Seigiri"! It's by Machida Shuzo, so it's a definite one for every year👍. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is mellow and fresh with a melon-like richness, as if it were directly pumped. The mouthfeel is dense and juicy. The combination of the sweet flavor, the petitiveness of the gas, and the brightness makes it taste like melon juice! But the mild sweetness of the Maikaze also makes it calm overall, and it has just the right potential for a leisurely drink ✨. The sweetness is gradually followed by a touch of astringency, and the way it is brought together is a very powerful combination! I am happy to be able to enjoy the various faces (brands) of Maikaze again this year 😌. I am looking forward to next year, dreaming of completing the series someday!
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I drank it last year and enjoyed it so much I bought it again. Personally, it is my favorite new sake along with "Akagisan"✨. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is crisp and gorgeous, like pears. The mouthfeel is light and immediately afterwards there is a solid gassy feeling. It's as shwashy as a carbonated beverage! Dry and clean on the palate, with pear and green apple flavors that are gorgeous and fresh. There is a hint of sweetness, so it is not only dry, but also well balanced. The astringent taste comes in the last half of the bottle and finishes it all off, so it is a delicious wine with a perfect ending! The sun is setting later and later, and we can feel the approach of spring. It's still early, but I'm looking forward to this year's spring sakes!
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Chilled to a crisp! From... I can't get enough of the sizzling sensation. It is sweet, but goes best with meat dishes! The seal of "Caution, open the bottle"...the crown jumps! (Laughs)
Seiryo新酒 しぼりたて
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Gunma's Machida Sake Brewery's local brand "Seigiri". The pop-up in the liquor store says it is almost always sold out at the brewery. It is a new sake, freshly pressed, with a gentle gassy, fruity freshness. The aftertaste has a hint of bitterness, and it is easy to drink because it is not too strong. At 18%, it's a strong sake, so be careful not to drink too much! Delicious!
Seiryoしぼりたて にごり生原酒
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Series of photos lost last week due to phone migration. This one came back for another drink! Slightly soggy, silky mouthfeel with a light muscateliness. Light muscat flavor, with a hint of apple later on. The finish is smooth. Bitter and fresh flavor remains. Yum! Ueno Uoso
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Immediately after opening the bottle, it was dry and dry, perhaps due to the 17% alcohol content. Then, after leaving it in the refrigerator for about 5 days due to a business trip, the taste changed drastically! There is almost no aroma, but it has turned into a crisp, sweet and delicious sake. There are not many sakes that have changed in taste like this.
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All Gunma Local Sake 100% Maikaze Junmai Namaishu Seiryo Alcohol 16%, Rice polishing ratio 60 It is said to have won the grand prix in this year's Maikaze our best selected by fans. I think it has a taste that is typical of the Machida Sake Brewery. I'm going to say it in a Gunma way, since it's a Gunma story, It's a little sweet for me, but it's delicious.
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Purchased from the brewery Nose: Light sweet fruit aroma Not alcoholic. Taste: Sweet. Slight fizz. A little astringent taste remains at the end. Next purchase Yes Kiyoshi "Ryo" is a sago with a mouthful of sago. The brewer is known for "Machida Shuzo," but this one is also delicious. I think "Machida Shuzo" is what this is all about.
Seiryo純米吟醸 生酒
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★★★★ Usually Machida is special junmai. This is junmai ginjo. The aroma is fruity like Machida, but stronger than usual. Is it because of the name? A little bit bitter from a little bit of gas, just like usual Machida! Yum!
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Inexperienced cold and blizzard! I was not sure whether to go for hot sake or nigori sake, but I decided to open this one this time because the image of snowy landscape = nigori sake👍. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was sweet and pure, like a pear. On the palate, there is a sweetness like melon or pear in addition to the carbonation. The clean quality of the Gunma sake is also matched with the local brand name, and I can only think that Machida Shuzo is the quintessential local brewer! When stirred, it becomes more moist without losing any of its freshness, and it's almost like biting into a pear! It is smooth and milky while still giving a fruity and vivid taste. The carbonation also gives it a flavor reminiscent of melon soda or cream soda✨. The first winter in a new place, the strongest cold wave and snowstorm. Life is full of different things, but it only makes me realize that this is a great place to brew sake 🥶.
Hi stst, ☀️ Machida Sake Brewery, I've never seen anything but that label before 😳‼️ I see it's a local product! Looks delicious and I'm jealous❣️ It's cold in the brewery, isn't it? Please take care of yourself and do your best😊🙏
Good evening and thank you, Pon-chan! I am convinced that the label is popular both inside and outside of the prefecture ✨.
Seiryoしぼりたて 新酒にごり酒
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New Sake from Machida Sake Brewery It has a peachy aroma, with a hint of lactic acidity, but it's also very crisp and clean. Swissy good, Swissy good, Swissy good...

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