SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I drank it last year and enjoyed it so much I bought it again. Personally, it is my favorite new sake along with "Akagisan"✨. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is crisp and gorgeous, like pears. The mouthfeel is light and immediately afterwards there is a solid gassy feeling. It's as shwashy as a carbonated beverage! Dry and clean on the palate, with pear and green apple flavors that are gorgeous and fresh. There is a hint of sweetness, so it is not only dry, but also well balanced. The astringent taste comes in the last half of the bottle and finishes it all off, so it is a delicious wine with a perfect ending! The sun is setting later and later, and we can feel the approach of spring. It's still early, but I'm looking forward to this year's spring sakes!