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旬食酒好 Yuu

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Takachiyo59Takachiyo chapter six純米吟醸
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旬食酒好 Yuu
59 Taka 6, Miyamanishiki came out. Fruity and pineapple. Delicious. I ordered a small tomato called "Tomate," which was produced by the aimek farming method, and it came out looking like a cocktail. Delicious.
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Oh, I meet Ryoko at an izakaya! This restaurant is very good because they serve various kinds of alcohol with their recommendations. Aroma: mild, clear, mellow Slightly sweet, mellow Sweet, well-balanced acidity Light and dry. Dry and light, as smooth as clean water Delicious!
Kakurei直汲み 純米酒 山田錦65% 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Tsuru Rei Nao-kumi Junmai Sake Yamadanishiki 65% Unfiltered Raw Limited brewing Junmai unfiltered series! Even drunk people can understand It has a deep and rich taste of rice. Fresh and soft sweetness... Clean and clear. The unfiltered, straight-from-the-bottom of the bottle, there was not much ogee or gas, but the overflowing umami was delicious. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Rice type: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 65 Alcohol content: 17-18%. Sake degree:+3.2 Acidity: 1.9 Amino acidity: 1.1 Yeast used: Kyokai No.7 720ml 1,485yen === ★★★★☆
Sotenboじゃんげ 超辛口二十度生原酒生酒
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Soutenbo Jange(Snake Escape) Super Dry 20 degrees Raw Red Snake Freshly brewed sake with dry taste The gorgeous aroma of freshly squeezed sake. It is very sharp and dry. but with a rich, full-bodied flavor! It's also very cosy! I mean, it's so dry! But it's so sharp that you'll want to keep drinking it. I've been preferring light, sweet sake lately, but this is great! === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic), Brewing alcohol Rice: Niigata rice Rice polishing ratio: 65 Alcohol content: Between 20 and 21 degrees Sake Meter:+10.0 (target) Acidity: 1.4 (target value) On the rocks, chilled 720ml 1,047yen === ★★★★☆
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Shiun Daiyosakari Honsei Murakami's only new rice and new sake Honsei! With Murakami wood carving Tsuishu choko! It's quite refreshing on the palate, like water. The mouthfeel is quite refreshing and watery, but in the second half, the taste is full of flavor and punch. The taste of the sake is very refreshing on the palate. The gentle touch of the ochoko seems to mellow and softly enhance the sweetness. Delicious! And it's so reasonable. Isn't it possible to get it near here? === Ingredients: Rice(Niigata), Rice malt(Niigata), Brewing alcohol Raw material rice:Gohyakumangoku etc. Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15 degrees Sake degree:+2 Acidity:1.0 On the rocks, chilled 720ml 1,155yen === ★★★★☆
Seisen越淡麗 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Seisen Koshitanrei Junmai Ginjo To spread the fragrance. It is served in a flat sake cup of Yasuda's Anji ware, recommended by the manager. The elegant aroma spreads gently The flavor sinks in smoothly. The taste is clean and beautiful. It's really quite refreshing. But as you drink more and more of it, the depth of the flavor seems to increase. The more you drink it at room temperature, the more delicious it becomes. It's delicious! I'd like to try it lukewarm, too. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Raw Rice: Koshitanrei Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 15.5 Sake Degree: Acidity: 720ml 1,825yen === ★★★★☆
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Dry Junmai Shiboritate Nama Genshu Muso It has a freshness that is refreshing to the palate A hint of sweetness and It has a unique umami taste that spreads in the mouth and It has a crisp dry taste that disappears quickly. You can easily drink it without thinking about anything else. It is good. ===Ingredients Ingredients: Rice(Niigata), Rice malt(Niigata) Rice: Iwafune-grown Koshitanrei Rice polishing ratio: 60%. Alcohol content: 15 degrees Sake Degree: Acidity: Yeast used: Niigata Ginjo Yeast 720ml 1,350yen === ★★★★☆
Kintsuru本醸造 しぼりたて生本醸造生酒
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Kintsuru Honjozo Shiboritate Nama A light, dry sake with a delicious flavor. It is not habitual and easy to drink. It goes well with any kind of food. === Ingredients: Rice(Sado), Rice malt(Sado rice), Brewing alcohol Raw Rice:Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: Koji rice 60%, Kake rice 65 Alcohol content: 16 degrees Sake degree:+5.2 Acidity: 2.0 Amino acidity: 1.2 720ml 937yen === ★★☆☆☆