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Seisen越淡麗 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Seisen Koshitanrei Junmai Ginjo To spread the fragrance. It is served in a flat sake cup of Yasuda's Anji ware, recommended by the manager. The elegant aroma spreads gently The flavor sinks in smoothly. The taste is clean and beautiful. It's really quite refreshing. But as you drink more and more of it, the depth of the flavor seems to increase. The more you drink it at room temperature, the more delicious it becomes. It's delicious! I'd like to try it lukewarm, too. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Raw Rice: Koshitanrei Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 15.5 Sake Degree: Acidity: 720ml 1,825yen === ★★★★☆