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Sotenboじゃんげ 超辛口二十度生原酒生酒
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旬食酒好 Yuu
Soutenbo Jange(Snake Escape) Super Dry 20 degrees Raw Red Snake Freshly brewed sake with dry taste The gorgeous aroma of freshly squeezed sake. It is very sharp and dry. but with a rich, full-bodied flavor! It's also very cosy! I mean, it's so dry! But it's so sharp that you'll want to keep drinking it. I've been preferring light, sweet sake lately, but this is great! === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic), Brewing alcohol Rice: Niigata rice Rice polishing ratio: 65 Alcohol content: Between 20 and 21 degrees Sake Meter:+10.0 (target) Acidity: 1.4 (target value) On the rocks, chilled 720ml 1,047yen === ★★★★☆