yuki.akariMurayuピンクラベル村祐酒造Niigata3/7/2025, 12:25:52 PM3/7/2025いかの墨 新潟駅前店13yuki.akariThis type of wine has a fairly sweet feel to it. Light and clear, but not for those who prefer dry wine.Japanese>English
KoNSasaiwai笹印 純米無濾過純米無濾過Sasaiwai ShuzoNiigata3/9/2024, 10:33:34 AM3/9/2024いかの墨 新潟駅前店外飲み部14KoNGreat!!! Celebratory at its best! Highly aromatic with strong acidity Strong rice flavor and umamiJapanese>English
Ayano YamanouchiShimeharitsuru特別本醸造Miyao ShuzoNiigata5/2/2019, 7:34:24 AMいかの墨 新潟駅前店Ayano Yamanouchi香りは柔らかめで、 淡麗旨口。 バランスのいいお酒。