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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)

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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" at Okage Yokocho It was the first time for me to attend such a sake event and I had a great time despite the short time I spent there. There was a unique lively atmosphere with sake drinkers as far as the eye could see 🏮. I was especially impressed by the red-colored lady near the entrance of the venue. I hope to be able to actively participate in such events again! Next time, I'll make a proper schedule... lol The last sake was Nanbu Bijin! I'm so glad I got to see this one for the first time! This is the first time I've seen this one too! Very dry! This was the most intense of all the sakes we drank this time! 😵‍💫 But it's a habitual drinker! It has an excellent sharpness!
Hi v0ru. These events are fun 🤗we've only experienced one small one 😅Mie has a lot of good sake! It must have been a lot of fun to do it in Okage Yokocho👍I'd love to go there with sightseeing 🥹.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby! This was our first sake event and it was fun! 👍 It was probably a good thing that it was a tourist attraction, too, so it was easy to attract people! It seems to happen a few times a year, so if you get the chance, please do!
Hidakami弥助 芳醇辛口純米吟醸
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho The road to the venue was so deserted that I wondered if it was really today, but there were still a lot of people around the venue! The sense of unity of the whole festival is quite good 🏮🏮. The sixth one was Hidakami! 🍶. What a first for me, Hidakami! It was dry, light and delicious 👍. It is indeed the ultimate food sake...! It's easy to drink and I think I'm going to be addicted to it!
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, v0ru. ☀I see you were able to visit many other breweries besides the one in Mie 👀 They all look delicious and it would be interesting to compare tastes ✨I'd get drunk easily myself 😅.
Masaaki Sapporo, thank you for your comment! There were about 10 breweries besides Mie that came to the event! Most of them were totally ready for a drinking contest 😂.
Mimurosugi辛口 露葉風特別純米
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho There seemed to be limited menus only for this day at the restaurants around the venue, and there were great smells wafting through the venue. I couldn't go out much with my child because I had to babysit him 😭. The grilled sweetfish looked so delicious! I'll definitely try the limited menu next time I come to this event... The fifth one is Mimuro cedar! It's a very dry, sharp, and fresh wine. It was dry, sharp and fresh! 👍
Jikon雄町 火入れ純米吟醸
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho Apparently there was also a sake tasting contest. I'm not sure, but I wanted to participate as a commemorative event! LOL! The fourth bottle was Jikin! 🍶 This was the main attraction of the event! I've been waiting for this! I've been waiting for this "moment"! I can get it at my local liquor store, but not often, so I have to drink it when I can! ✨️ And it's delicious! Sour and fruity as always, very satisfying! 🙆‍♀️
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" at Okage Yokocho There was a lottery and I won the 3rd prize! 🥳🥳🥳. I'm so lucky! It was worth coming here just for this! We were given a bottle of Sake and it was Amayadori! The third bottle was a bottle of Takihama! The third bottle was Takihitama! I found out later that it was a PB brand of Morishita's sake called "Crystal"! It had a fruity mouthfeel with a bitter aftertaste! It had a delicious flavor and was typical of Mie's local sake! I was watching the announcement of the raffle while drinking it.
Zakuインプレッション G純米原酒
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" at Okage Yokocho I thought I could start drinking at 5:00 p.m., but apparently they started serving alcohol at 3:00 p.m., so I was late. I came at 18:00 because I had something to do, and it turned out to be a short festival with only one hour before the banquet ended at 19:00. I was so sorry 😭 The second bottle was a Saku! 🍶. I came late and there was only one more kind left 😭. However! It was an IMPRESSION that I've been curious about for a long time ✋. It was so delicious with a good balance of sourness, sweetness, and umami! This is seriously fire-roasted ????? Too good, fresh. Amazing.
Nice to meet you, v0ru. Impression is really astounding ✨. I originally loved Gennochi as my favorite sake, so I love this Impression too 😊. By the way, Sake Banquet...sounds great!
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-! The crops are all delicious! 👍 It was a great event, as "Sake Banquet" sounded, so lively and lively! 🍶
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
I went to a sake party at Okage Yokocho in Ise City, Mie! 🍶🍶🎉 It was a moderately successful event, with sake breweries from other prefectures participating in Mie's local sake! I will post a few items from now on, but since I only drank a little at a time, I can't write a vivid review and it will be short 💦, sorry... First up was a special junmai sake from Tamitsu! 🍶. It was fruity as soon as it entered the mouth, with a lingering umami flavor that swelled up and took on the typical Tamitsu flavor! We got off to a good start with this sake right after we arrived 👍.