SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hidakami弥助 芳醇辛口純米吟醸
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho The road to the venue was so deserted that I wondered if it was really today, but there were still a lot of people around the venue! The sense of unity of the whole festival is quite good 🏮🏮. The sixth one was Hidakami! 🍶. What a first for me, Hidakami! It was dry, light and delicious 👍. It is indeed the ultimate food sake...! It's easy to drink and I think I'm going to be addicted to it!
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, v0ru. ☀I see you were able to visit many other breweries besides the one in Mie 👀 They all look delicious and it would be interesting to compare tastes ✨I'd get drunk easily myself 😅.
Masaaki Sapporo, thank you for your comment! There were about 10 breweries besides Mie that came to the event! Most of them were totally ready for a drinking contest 😂.