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Bocchiriya (神楽坂 ぼっちりや)

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Akitora吟醸生 超辛口吟醸生酒
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Bocchiriya (神楽坂 ぼっちりや)
The first pre-drinking party of the year, a boozy 0th party Checked in to a restaurant I liked on the Internet ✅. Kagurazaka Bocchiri-ya, Tosa Sake and snacks Easy standing drinking and snacks are ready-made. You can choose from a selection of pre-made snacks or dry snacks from the shelves. Vinegared kibinago and tofu paste with vegetables The second glass of Aki Tora Ginjo Nama Super Dry I chose it because of the fancy label. It's a crisp, hard-core sake with a touch of alky dryness. The third one is Seven in Kagurazaka. The fourth one is a sunset under Kagurazaka.
Good evening, Harry☆(*´ч`*) Kochi's sake certainly has a hard-edged image 🙄 Maybe it's too hard for me, but it goes well with bonito 🤔.
Good evening, Mr. Shieri! I feel something like Tosa people's temperament. I feel it, maybe they are stubborn. I would like to drink with pichi pichi bonito. ❣️
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Bocchiriya (神楽坂 ぼっちりや)
The first pre-drinking party of the year, a boozy 0th party Checked in to a restaurant I liked on the Internet ✅. Kagurazaka Bocchiri-ya, Tosa Sake and snacks Easy standing drinking and snacks are ready-made. You can choose from a selection of pre-made snacks or dry snacks from the shelf. Vinegared kibinago and tofu paste with vegetables The first one is "Drunken Whale" Ginrei-shiboritate. Polishing ratio 50%, alcohol content 17 A light and dry sake with a strong impact. It's not a modern style, I feel it's insistence.
Keigetsu吟の夢 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸生酒
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Kameizumi at a corner bar. Take home a limited quantity of Kaygetsu Nama-zake. A store specializing in Tosa sake stands brightly on a side street in Kagurazaka. Sweet aroma Refreshingly juicy So-called modern sake 🍶. Oh, I like it 😍. Not as pineapple-like as Kameizumi cel24 Light and easy to drink! I want to try the daiginjo as well.
Kameizumi純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Tokushima Loss Or is it Shikoku loss by extension? This is a store specializing in Tosa sake in Kagurazaka. It is also a Kochi products store for snacks 😆. You can stand and drink and buy! I wonder if they can make a Tokushima version. Tosa beauty type? Tosa Bijinkei (Tosa beauty type) The lady at the store is Not too energetic and she knows what she's doing. And the drinks were so good and sharp. I stayed for a long time. Even though the customers were all Edokko. Comfortable Kochi feeling 🌊. Kameizumi, not CEL24 100% Kochi rice "Gin no Yume Sweet, then sharp, and always refreshing. It was a fresh 🍶 sake. Kochi is doing a great job 😁.
Good morning, Asanami-san! Yeah, I know what you mean! The feeling of hometown loss after going back home... 😢 Especially when I drink local alcohol, I miss my parents' home (T . T) There are many specialty stores these days...(*´-`)
mamiko, 😊Hello, thank you very much... I am crying again because you can relate to me 🥲I watched YouTube Awaodori videos all night last night too, and I'm drinking again! I'm drinking again 😆🍶.
KeigetsuCEL24 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸生酒
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Gin no Yume (Gin no Yume) produced in Reinoku district, Kochi prefecture Rice polishing ratio 50%. Kochi yeast CEL24 is used. I finally found Keizuki's CEL24 👏 It's not as sweet or melon as Kameizumi's CEL24. Maybe yellow peach. It's a very polite sake. It's delicious.
Bijofu舞 うすにごり純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒発泡
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Bocchiriya (神楽坂 ぼっちりや)
Activated nigori sake. It's the popular Usu-Nigori style. It's so fizzy, it's sure to spill over! It tastes a little dry, but the melon aroma is gorgeous! It smells like the melon juice you tend to make when you eat melons. (?) The carbonation makes it easy to drink. The carbonation makes it easy to drink, and it's really good! It's really good!
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Bocchiriya (神楽坂 ぼっちりや)
I was scared off by its sweet, sweet reputation, but finally bought it. I love that it's gorgeous and all swirly! Very tasty! It has a sake feel to it, and it tastes fine with food! The only thing is that it's very assertive, so you may have to choose which dishes to pair it with. Thanks to my local liquor store, I'm getting a lot of Tosa sake. (I always wonder what 14% means for an unpasteurized sake...strange...)
Keigetsu吟之夢 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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The sake of Kochi, following the Drunken Whale at Bocchiriya! The picture is with the coed beer I bought at AKOMEYA lol I was reminded of how much I love Junmai Daiginjo. Fruity but slightly dry? But for a Tosa, it's pretty good. I was actually looking for the CEL24 for Katsuragi, but I didn't find it, so hopefully I'll be able to get that one next time too!
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Longed for! drunken whale It's been a year since I started drinking, and I've finally figured out that it comes out of my nose. This. I can drink as much as I want! It's not that expensive! My favorite! It's not like I'm going to tell my juniors that this is a good sake, but I'm going to drink it all the time with my close friends. could be great. Introduction to Drunken Whaling was a complete success. I want to buy more and better and better!