しろごまKyohimeKyohime ShuzoKyoto2/24/2025, 12:29:25 PM2/24/202517しろごまFruity, with a hint of sweetness. Light sake.Japanese>English
しろごまIsojimanIsojiman ShuzoShizuoka1/30/2025, 3:07:58 PM1/18/20253しろごまSuitable for Japanese food.Japanese>English
しろごまYuhoMioya ShuzoIshikawa1/30/2025, 3:05:35 PM1/18/20252しろごまGoes well with Japanese food. It is smooth and easy to drink.Japanese>English
しろごまどぶろく純米Nakano ShuzoAichi10/17/2021, 3:28:00 PM9/1/202114しろごまSake-kasu lovers will love it. Drinking it on the rocks is also good. Japanese>English