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日本酒大好き26歳です!! 千葉市出身名古屋在住 最近ハマったばかりのビギナーで日本酒勉強中なので色々と教えてください❤️‍🔥

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Shikishima敷嶋とKTと愛知のおこめ 純米吟醸 うす濁り
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At Sakeya Otake This sake was created as part of a project by Shikishima-san, Gishima-san, and Futabagi-san, all sake breweries in Aichi, to produce their own sake using "Yume-Ginko" sake rice from Aichi, with the goal of helping rice farmers survive! Among them, Shikishima-san's sake is a light cloudy one, and it is delicious 🥹. Fresh, sweet and delicious! I could taste the sweetness of the rice and the citrusy? I felt the fruity taste of the rice and citrus fruits. It has no unpleasant taste at all but has a strong flavor! It also has a strong aroma! I could also taste a little nutty and rich flavor deep inside. The slight carbonation is pleasant and makes it easy to drink! I want to drink it with Gikyo-san and Ni-Usagi-san too! I wish the rice farmer's continued development!
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Comparison of bottles of sake kept refrigerated at convenience stores 1st bottle 300ml is about 390 yen as I recall. Cheaper! The aroma has a strong alcohol taste. But when you drink it, you can taste the sweetness of rice and the mouthfeel is rounded. There is no strong aftertaste, but there is no strange lingering flavor, so you can drink it easily and it goes well with rice! It went well with both sashimi and Chinese food! I've had honjozo and daiginjo at the store, but the regular sake is probably the most cost-effective 🥹. I think it's quite an excellent food sake at this price that you can easily buy at a convenience store! (Who the hell are you?) It was delicious!
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Comparison of bottles of alcohol kept refrigerated at convenience stores 2nd bottle Aroma of rice and a slight but fruity ginjo aroma. Aroma of alcohol is also quite present. Slightly refreshing and easy to drink, with a lingering bitterness and alcohol taste. Easy to pair with food, but the flavor seemed to disappear. The price is not cheap, so I don't think I would repeat it... I still have some left, so I'll heat it up!
Enasanpure 純米大吟醸 山田錦
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Sushi with friends at Mitori Sushi in Nagoya! And while we were at it, we paired it with three different kinds of sake 🍶. This is the only sake that my friend, who is not good at sake, said was delicious! It was a beautiful sake with a fruity taste! I think it tasted like muscat, but I don't remember the details because it was served with sushi and we were having a good time with friends 🥹. It had the typical Junmai sake flavor, but it was also very refreshing and didn't interfere with the meal. I think it goes better with red meat or strong flavored dishes than white meat✨. I'd like to try the rest of the series!
Rakunoyo山廃純米 無濾過生酒
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名古屋市栄にある「酒ゃおおたけ」さんで、楽の世おりがらみ無濾過生本醸造を飲んでみて、とても美味しかったので純米酒を購入!✨ あまーい米の香りの奥にナッツの様な?甘いこげ?の様な独特の香りがあっておもしろい! これが山廃の特徴でもあるのだろうか 飲み口は最初甘くて後から酸がくる感じ 舌に少し残る風味も良い… 本醸造より若干甘いかな、すいすい飲みたくなるのは本醸造の方かも! アルコール感はそこまで感じないけど、18度もあるので酔いますね笑 酒蔵も家から遠くないので、いつか訪問したいなぁ🍶
津島屋八反錦全量使用 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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Schlegel's green frog 🐸🍶 Fresh, sweet rice and kiwi🥝 pineapple🍍 like fruit aroma Sweetness of rice and fruity taste like pear It's a pure sake, but it's refreshing and easy to drink, with a nice slight bitterness. Slight alcohol taste in the aftertaste You will want to take it out of the fridge and drink it in small sips when you have some free time.
Born純米55 特別限定 純米酒
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Aroma of sweet rice is strong. When you put it in your mouth, the delicious taste of rice comes quickly. The mouthfeel is sweet, but there is a slight astringency in the aftertaste. Slightly astringent aftertaste. You can feel the umami of rice until the aftertaste. It was delicious! I would like to drink it hot 🍶.