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Banzaiしぼりたて 直汲み純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Heavy rice aroma. It has a fresh, clear flavor with a good thickness, and it disappears smoothly with a green apple-like fruitiness at the end.
Banzai 精米歩合48%純米大吟醸原酒
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Purchased at Maruishi Brewery, famous for Ni-Rabbit. It has a light yellowish color and a nice aroma of rice. This alone heightened my anticipation before drinking it! It has a subtle sweetness, a delicious flavor that clings to the tongue, and a moderate acidity and bitterness. A mellow aroma that passes through the nose. As the label says, it reminds one of rice and the earth. It is such a sake. I felt the aroma and sweetness were better at a slightly higher temperature than when chilled. I haven't tried it warmed, but I think it would also be good heated. Fruity raw sake is good, but but this kind of sake with a lot of umami is also 🙆♂️.
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西浅草 山崎
This is another brand of Maruishi Brewing, the same company that produces Futato. It uses a rare rice called Manzai, which is currently only available at Maruishi Brewery. The label has a sharp design that looks like a straw rope wrapped around it, but the taste is surprisingly gentle and easy to drink. The taste was unexpected.
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Maruishi sake brewery in Aichi. It's quite refreshing, but it has a decent flavor and is spicy. The aftertaste is a little bitter, but not unpleasant. Banzai rice, 70% Junmai, hiyaoroshi, fire-hot, 1,450 yen, Ootsuka sake shop in Honmachi.
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Maruishi Sake Brewery in Aichi. It has more acidity and bitterness than the previous year's Hiyaoroshi, but it also has a sweetness that makes it a refreshing drink. It has a good balance. Junmai Hiyoroshi, 100% Banzai rice, 60%, fire-hardened, 1,450 yen, Otsuka Sake Brewery in Honmachi.
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Maruishi sake brewery in Aichi. It is fruity and has a slight sourness. 100% Banzai rice from Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, 60%, about 1,400 yen, Otsuka sake shop in Honmachi.
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Maruishi Sake Brewery in Aichi. The taste is clean, but you can feel the sweetness and the umami, and almost no bitterness. The aftertaste leaves a sweet taste. It is quite good. Bansai Rice, 60%, about 1,300 yen, Otsuka Sake Brewery in Honmachi.
Banzai純米大吟醸 生原酒 無濾過直汲み
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The more it grows, the more the ears of rice hang down. Satisfaction level: ★★★★☆ Specific name: Junmai-Daiginjo Nao-Kumi-Name Rice polishing ratio: 48 Alcoholic content: 16 Rice used: Banzai rice grown in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture Gas feeling: Yes Year of manufacture: January 2021 Manufacturer: Maruishi Jozo (Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture) This sake is brewed by reviving the Banzai rice that was produced in Okazaki 100 years ago and was offered to the Taime-sai Festival. This time I got it at the Maruishi Brewery event in January😊. It has a unique fruity aroma that is typical of Futaragi brewed by Maruishi Brewery. The freshness and gassiness of the direct pumping is unbelievable 😆 It doesn't have the graininess of the Banzai Junmai-shu, but it is clean and refreshing 😃. Maruishi Jozo's sake is delicious after all👍. How do you know if you are satisfied? ★★★★★=I like it so much. I would definitely repeat it again. ★★★★☆=I like it very much. I would like to repeat it if I have a chance. ★★★☆☆=I like it. I don't know if I would repeat it. ★★☆☆☆=Not so fond of it. I will not repeat. ★☆☆☆☆=Not my favorite. I will never repeat.

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