SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
82 check-ins
y_miuraIt is delicious as a sake to drink with meals. It is similar to amazake in flavor. The aroma is slightly floral. It has a sweet taste, but when you swallow it, it is crisp and clean. It has a sweet sake feel to it, but it doesn't give the impression of being sweet, it's more in the same vein as the Eikoh Fuji we drank the other day, sweet and crisp and easy to drink. I've come to think that I like this style. I think the 14 degree alcohol content is one of the factors that makes it easy to drink. I didn't have an impression of Yamaguchi Prefecture and sake, but I would like to drink the alias pattern again.
iMa-DI got an awesome one from my parents (^^) A bottle in a paulownia box. Sweet like honey and spicy like a prickle and sting. When you swallow it, the latter is by far the most pronounced. The impression is that the taste is not tart, but is well-balanced. As an appetizer, I made a dish of beef, potatoes, onions, eggs and cheese with butter and curry powder 🐣 I'll take it with guilt, handsome.
hyyskIt's a holiday, but I worked on the installation of a display cabinet in the living room from morning. It's not so bad considering we hurriedly built it. Removing sake from the cellar and displaying wine bottles. It's finally finished with small items and wine glasses.  The sake opened here is from Iwakuni City in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The flavor spreads in your mouth all at once. The bitterness and alcohol aftertaste gave me the impression that it's a Japanese sake. The flavor is amazing! It would be nice to drink it warm.  The second picture is without the bottle, so I want to open the Kinsaku as soon as possible.
akk^o^Wow! That's a nice shelf! The warmth of the wood is stylish again! Your home itself is lovely and I envy you. After all, it's not just the sake, but also the atmosphere of the brewery. I'm waiting for you to unseal a lot of sake!
hyyskThank you akk^o^ thank you...(^o^)My family accused me of what I started doing in the morning. I'll update the booze a little at a time. Yes, sir!
やしだ金冠黒松(きんかんくろまつ) 日付:2020.03.26 場所:友人宅 感想:香りは甘い、とろっとしていて旨味あり。西の酒という印象。 好み:☆☆ 造り:新酒・しぼりたて(秋に収穫された新米を使って、12月〜翌1月に初めてしぼられた酒) 精米歩合:60% 日本酒度: 酸度: アルコール度数: 使用米: 価格: 製造日:
iMa-D実家を離れ、外病院実習。 親からもらった赤い瓶をひとりで空ける🍶 ややキツメの香りと痺れのきいた口当たり、米の旨味を感じさせながら、スッと喉元をクリアに通り抜ける後味。 ローストビーフと合鴨のソテー(ブラックペッパー)、カマンベールとブルーチーズをアテとしながら🍴
iMa-D実家にて歳末の家飲み🍶 花の蜜みたいな香りと柔らかな口当たり、フルーティーな甘味と舌先を刺激する辛味、華やかながらも比較的スッキリとした後味。 焼き鳥タレとともに🐔