ヒロダイAt Tokuda Sake Shop in Kyobashi.
The sake went well with oily food 🍶. TakamasaMild aroma and full-bodied, mellow flavor
Clean and dry KI went to the Oden & Local Sake Festival!
Big crowd!
This sake we drank in the sake comparison was refreshing and less alcoholic, and you can drink it like water 🫧. ぱるきにゃんこThird cup.
Same pure rice, but more acidic? No. Is it easy to drink?
I can't answer that question because I'm not privy to the sake and sugar levels... ゆゆゆKoyama Honke Brewery in Saitama, which also does Hamafukutsuru in Kobe. We are always grateful to them. It is also delicious. 海の男I am writing this here because there is no brand name registered. It is not a "sake" because it contains sugar and acidifiers, but I happened to have it on hand.
The alcohol content is 19%, and the rice polishing ratio is not stated. It is fairly sweet. The sugar content is quite high at 14.6%, but it doesn't taste that much. It is like a sweet shochu. So I drank it with carbonated water, but when I drank it again about a week later, it tasted better. I felt it could be a good sake without sugar or acidifiers if it was serious. What a waste. モイストIt has no peculiarities in a good or bad way. It can be drunk cold or warmed up. まっきぃYamadanishiki, an inexpensive and favorite at Aeon. Umai!
Goes well with shellfish. オゼミ2024 0301
f i r s t a n d f o r m a t i o n s
Rice Ichizu
Established in 1808
Alcohol 14%.
Rice polishing ratio 82
Koyama Honke Sake Brewery
Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture RecommendedContentsSectionView.title