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京姫 匠Kyohime Takumi

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343 Yamazakichō, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto,
map of Kyohime Shuzo
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吟醸酒房 油長
New Year Sake Walking 2️⃣ The second brewery we visited was Kyohime Sake Brewery😇. This brewery doesn't offer tasting, so we went to the nearby Aburinaga for a paid tasting 😀. Actually, Keihan and Kintetsu are currently running a joint event called "Sake Brewery Stamp Rally" where you can get a stamp and a label 😇. I was told that Kyohime Sake Brewery's stamps and labels are available at Aburinaga, so I went to this store to taste and purchase 😀. The only Kyo Hime sake they had open at this store was their Daiginjo, so we were able to compare it with a sake from the brewery they recommended 😀. Kyo Hime's Daiginjo was also delicious and refreshing, but unfortunately we decided to buy the Junmai Daiginjo, which was not open and could not be drunk 🤣. I'm looking forward to drinking it at home eventually😇 Today's walk was 12 km... just the right distance 🤣.
Good morning, Yasbay🐥. I thought I've never been to Kyohime before, but I see they don't do tastings! Maybe that's why you gave up 🤔I see there is a place where you can do it in your neighborhood... I'll go there next time 😊🙏.
Good evening, Pon 😀. Kyohime-san doesn't seem to be selling or tasting at all😅. Aburacho is good for tasting sake from all the breweries in Fushimi for a reasonable price😇. After paying, Kaorin asked me if it was that cheap? Because 🤣.

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