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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)

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Ryusei吟 UTA 真吟60%純米
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
Purchased at a liquor store. Very rare. As with the previous post, I toasted my birthday with Ryusei. This is a product of the Hiroshima Fermentation Joint Research Association, in which Fujii Shuzo, the brewer of Ryusei, also participates. It is a junmai-shu made by shingin-polishing rice, which focuses on removing the "miscellaneous" parts of the sake rice. Serve cold. The aroma is subdued. The taste is so fresh and elegant that it is hard to believe it is junmai sake. It may be in the Junmai Daiginjo class. The acidity characteristic of Ryusei sake is also present. The aftertaste is normal. We enjoyed it with nabe dishes. Recommended for intermediate level sake drinkers.
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
Purchased at a liquor store. The website lists the stores that carry it. Cold sake. Not fruity, but fresh aroma. It is said to be the first sake brewery in Japan to produce nama-shu. Among all the nama-shu I have had, this one gave me the impression of being particularly dry. My concept of nama-shu was broken. Also, there was a sourness in the first sip, but it gradually faded as I drank. It was also sharp and had a normal aftertaste. The only sake from Ibaraki Prefecture that I drank was Morishima and Meiri Sake Brewery, but I had the impression that it was not sweet. I would like to try Raifuku next. Good as a food sake. Good for beginners and intermediate sake drinkers.
Ishizuchi特別純米 夏純米特別純米
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
Purchased at a sake shop. Ishizuchi is a modern, fruity type of sake from Shikoku. It was my first time to drink it. This time it was a summer sake. The standard green label may be often seen. Cold sake. Juicy, sweet ginjo aroma. As described in the brewer's introduction, there is a faint aroma of melon. Slightly sweet but with a firm sharpness. It gave the impression of being a very modern type of sake, but when I drank it, I was surprised to find that it was more modern and classic. According to the brewer's introduction, it is recommended to be served with summer vegetables such as tomatoes and eggplants. We enjoyed it with a side dish of Gyukaku's Yamitsuki Shio Okra (salted okra) that we purchased at the supermarket. It seems to go well with summer dishes with strong flavors. It is suitable for intermediate level sake drinkers.
Michisakari純米大吟醸 冬にごり純米大吟醸生酒発泡
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
Purchased at a liquor store. This one, as well as the previous post, is for a drink at home with friends. It was the best sparkling I've had in a while, surprisingly dry. It had a stimulating taste, but still had the sweetness of carbonation, and was a good balance of spiciness and sweetness. The label says it goes well with rich flavors, but I personally think it would go well with dried fruits and snacks.
Kuroushi環山 純米大吟醸
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
I have had a few Junmai sake bottles of Kurogyu, which has a soft but very rich and deep flavor. I happened to see it in a department store and was afraid to buy it because the price was over 1000 yen for a Sandesi bottle. The aroma was fresh. It has a gorgeous flavor with acidity and umami. However, what makes it different from other junmai daiginjos is that it has a tangy taste in a good way at the back. Perhaps that is why it is crisp yet complex. It gives the impression of a mature cow eating graceful grass, but with the strength of a fighting bull in its chest.
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
This is the first home brew of sake purchased in Kyushu since my return to Fukuoka. It was purchased at a liquor store in Tenjin. The aroma is sweet but a little harsh on the acidity. It was described as a melon-type ginjo aroma, but I didn't detect much of it. It is slightly carbonated and quite dry. It also has a bitter taste and is somewhat complex. You may be surprised at the difference in taste if you drink it thinking it is refreshing and crisp like Mio Sparkling.