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Ryusei吟 UTA 真吟60%純米
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Otori Liquor Store (オオトリ酒店)
Purchased at a liquor store. Very rare. As with the previous post, I toasted my birthday with Ryusei. This is a product of the Hiroshima Fermentation Joint Research Association, in which Fujii Shuzo, the brewer of Ryusei, also participates. It is a junmai-shu made by shingin-polishing rice, which focuses on removing the "miscellaneous" parts of the sake rice. Serve cold. The aroma is subdued. The taste is so fresh and elegant that it is hard to believe it is junmai sake. It may be in the Junmai Daiginjo class. The acidity characteristic of Ryusei sake is also present. The aftertaste is normal. We enjoyed it with nabe dishes. Recommended for intermediate level sake drinkers.