Touru Okamura○ ○
seafood seasoned with salt and sake, and cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and water (Kyoto speciality) Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
16% alcohol by volume
Sake meter value +2
Accompaniment: grilled fu with grilled vegetables Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
15% alcohol by volume
Sake meter value +4 Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
16% alcohol by volume
Sake Meter +1 Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
13% alcohol by volume.
Sake meter value +3 Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
16% alcohol by volume
Sake meter value +2 Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
16% alcohol by volume
Sake Meter -7 Touru Okamuracircle (e.g. of friends)
15% alcohol by volume
Sake meter value +3 RecommendedContentsSectionView.title