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Sawanoi本醸造 しぼりたて 封燗急冷詰
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Purchased at the ropeway store on the way back from receiving a red seal at Musashi Ontake Shrine. As the description says, it has a roughness and strength to it, and I like it because of its mellow taste. Also, the kibimochi daifuku (rice cake with sweet bean paste) that I bought at the same store was delicious. Thank you for the food!
Komaizumi吟醸酒 生貯蔵酒 なまちょ ロシナンテ
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This was the last sake I bought when I was transferred from my workplace in Hachinohe. I have only seen it at the Cub Center's Naganawashiro store. It is light and easy to drink. The bottle is sleek and stylish. I have a good memory that the first time I drank it, I was able to face the next day without hangover and refreshed. This is the last bottle. I'm going to have a hangover when I think I won't be able to drink it again for a while. Thank you for the food!
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At Niigata Furusato Mura, I was torn between buying Kirinzan Enrai, which I had enjoyed drinking before, and a bottle of Kikurabe, but I chose the latter. It has a mild but light dry mouthfeel. It was not as good as Enrai, but it was good enough. Also, Kirinzan has a stylish label. I will drink the other two when the time is right. Thank you very much for the food!
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When I hear the word Otokoyama, I think of Mutsu Otokoyama, and in a little over three years I find myself so steeped in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, that I can't help but think of it. This time, I was transferred to Miyagi Prefecture, and while waiting for the Shinkansen at Sendai Station, I found the word Otokoyama. I bought a bottle without thinking, but the taste was unfamiliar to me. I could not find a way to describe it. I wonder if I will be able to understand the taste once I get to know Miyagi Prefecture and become more familiar with it. Thank you very much for the drink!
Kitaakita大吟醸 生貯蔵大吟醸生貯蔵酒
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When I was browsing the sake corner at an Aeon store once, the clerk told me that Kita-Akita's daiginjo was the best in terms of cost, and since then, when I want to drink sake anyway, I choose Kita-Akita. Then, I found a freshly stored Kita-Akita at a supermarket! It has no peculiarities and has a slightly sweet taste. It is refreshing, so you can drink more and more of it. It is more refreshing than a simple daiginjo and has less cloying taste. Thank you very much!
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Returned to Tokyo. His father told him they were having a fair at the Ishikawa Brewery, and he found himself arriving. The sake is tangy, but has a light aftertaste. It was easy to drink and I felt tipsy in the afternoon. It goes well with Kondo Foods' kakuteki, which was sold together with the sake. Thank you very much for the drink!