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The mouthfeel is hard. But the taste is sweet. The stimulation of the alcohol when it passes through the throat is strong and pleasant. I would like to drink it more than a little bit.
At "Sake and Fish Tsukuriya". I liked the feeling of the fullness of the rice running through the mouth. I liked the feeling of the fullness of the rice running around in the mouth in all directions. I'm sure it's good for anyone. I had it with lean beef steak and yellowtail shabu. It was just the right combination. (It might be too heavy with appetizers.) I recommend it cold rather than warm. (Because the rich taste will be changed into flat one. Taste: ★★★
This is also at "Sake and Fish Tsukuriya". Here comes a unique one! It's a little amber in color and a little thick. From the moment I drank it, my mouth was filled with rice! Rice! Rice! Even when it goes down your throat, it makes you choke! It is a sake that tastes like rice. Rather than words like "umami" or "mellow" to describe the depth of the flavor, I had a strong impression of the taste of rice that seemed to spread all over the field. The mouth is inada. I like the strength of this flavor, but I wonder if there are different tastes. Preference: ★★★★
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At sake and fish restaurant Tsuriya. This is what it means to drink like water. It's extremely refreshing and dry. It goes down your throat like water, so you can drink as much as you want. The aftertaste doesn't linger too long, so I think it goes well with any kind of food. Preferred: ★★.
At Ogawamachi. I ordered it without thinking anything, but this was quite right. Should I say it's a dry taste with a sweet taste? It was spicy but not dry. It's fruity, and it's so gorgeous that you can drink it even without snacks. It tastes better when it's cold. When it was left in the cup for a while (still about 10 minutes), it was slightly sour. Preferred: ★★★★
At "Osaketo" in Ogawamachi. The taste is dry and refreshing. It has a watery taste. It seems to go well with shellfish sashimi. Taste: ★★★ Probably the driest beer I've had recently. If you want to drink something spicy, this is the one.
At Ogawa-machi. It's dry even though it's undiluted sake. The image that I had of unpasteurized sake being thick, dense, and sweet was overturned. But as you would expect from an unpasteurized sake, you can also taste the rice flavor. The smell of rice and the blue scent like Igusa are pleasant. Taste: ★★☆☆
I bought this when I traveled to Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture. I stayed at a certain inn in Onogawa Onsen. The driver of the inn's shuttle bus recommended this "Sumiyoshi". He said that his parents live next door to this brewery and he grew up drinking it. The owner of the brewery made a fortune from this sake, which was also featured in "Yummy Shinbo". (And the story of the gossip that remains in the history of the village continues...) Taste: ★★★ This is the opposite of sake that is popular for being easy to drink. It is a good old sake. The aroma and the taste of the rice are strong. I like it.
Fruity, like a sweet wine. The sweetness is like a sugar candy, slightly thick, but not so thick that it lingers, and the aftertaste is clean. I'd drink it again if I ever see it again.