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Drunk cold (My vote 3.5/5) On the nose vanilla, apricot, umami, dried fruit and a woody hint. On the palate cooked rice, vanilla, mushroomy, earthy and mineral. Room temperature (My vote 3.3/5) On the nose the taste is herbaceous and aniseed. On the palate wood, white peach and pepper. Warm (My vote 3.7/5) On the nose the taste is fruit, wood and oak for a rich flavor, a pungent taste and a spicy hint. On the roof of the mouth white peach, apricot, honey, spices, anise, pepper and mimosa.
KozaemonBizen Omachi Junmai Ginjo Nama Sake
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Drunk warm (My vote 3.5/5) On the nose peach, wood, plum and mushroom. On the roof of the mouth cooked rice, pear, mushroom, spring water, gin, honey, popcorn and mineral. Cold (My vote 3.4/5). The taste on the nose recognizes cooked rice, dried fruit, mineral, pineapple, white peach and umami. On the palate condensed milk, vanilla, fruit, dried apricot, mushroom and umami. Room temperature (My vote 3.2/5). On the palate vanilla, fruit, mushroom, spring water, gin, white flowers and umami.
TedorigawaYamahai Junmai Hiyaoroshi純米山廃
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Drunk at room temperature (My vote 3.4/5) The olfactory intensity is rich and the olfactory persistence is sufficient. The taste on the nose is of melon, ripe banana, almond and white mushrooms. The intensity in the mouth is of medium strength sake. The aroma on the tongue is medium dry. The body is full. The taste intensity is normal and pleasant. The final mouth sensations are ready to drink. Notes of peach, fruit, melon and ripe banana linger on the roof of the mouth.
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Drunk cold (My vote 3.0/5) The nose tastes peach, melon and coconut. In the mouth the aroma is that of vanilla, coconut, apricot, spices, umami and tropical fruit. Drunk at room temperature (My vote 3.1/5). On the nose vanilla, peach, melon and honey. In the mouth the aroma is that of vanilla, coconut, apricot, spices, umami and tropical fruit. Drunk hot (My vote 3.2/5) The roof of the mouth stops on vanilla, white peach, fruit, coconut, anise, pepper and tropical fruit.
HakutsuruHakutsuru Draft Sake
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Drunk cold (My vote 2.9/5) The olfactory persistence is considerable. The taste on the nose is fruity, dried apricot and pineapple. The body is round. On the palate the sweetness is medium. On the palate the body is medium. On the palate there are hints of pear, apricot and banana. Plus drunk at room temperature (My vote 3.2/5) The taste on the nose belongs to vanilla, melon and plum. The body is medium. The aroma in the mouth is directed towards white peach and dried apricot.
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(My vote 3.1/5) Drunk cold (one of the recommended temperatures). The liquid is clear as water. The taste on the nose is found in apple. The first impression of intensity in the mouth is of robust sake. The body is round and rather dry. The taste intensity is normal. On the palate the body is medium and the aftertaste is of medium intensity. The taste is pleasant, ready to drink. The finish is long and tends more towards dry. The aroma in the mouth brings hints of vanilla, melon and apricot.
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(My vote 3.3/5) Drunk cold: the nose tastes of rice as the dominant aroma and koji, melon and gin as secondary aromas. The body is structured. The aroma on the tongue is rather dry. The first impression of intensity in the mouth is of decisive and characterful sake. The gustatory intensity is high and the gustatory persistence is good. The taste is very pleasant. The finish is silky and complex. The aroma in the mouth brings hints of rice, koji, melon, whisky, gin.