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Sake no Wa check-in number is 6. This is a brand new to me even though it is a local sake. I received it as a souvenir. Alcoholic aroma. The mouthfeel is refreshing, but slowly but surely it has a classic sake feel. We had it with motsu nabe (hot pot). It seems to go well with dishes with strong flavors.
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@sakebar Fukuzo Kinran Fujimusume is a sake made by Goto Sake Brewery in Kuroki-cho, Yame City 🍶. There are only 5 check-ins at Sakebar Fukuzo and I had no idea about it until I came to Fukuzo😅. By the way, Kuroki-cho is the birthplace of Hitomi Kuroki 🙄 although it became Yame City due to a merger of towns and villages. The first aroma is faintly sweet. When you take it into your mouth, you will find a gentle sweetness with a smooth and elegant mouthfeel that is typical of daiginjo-style sake. It finishes with a slight astringency. It was delicious 🍶✨.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san 😃 There are many famous brands in Fukuoka, but I was surprised to see many sake that I didn't know about in your post 😳.
Good evening, bouken-san! I've only been drinking sake for a short time, but I've never heard of many of the sake that you drink, and I'm always impressed 🤣.
As a reflection of last year's trip to Nara, I was trying to avoid drinking famous sake available in Tokyo as much as possible, so Fukuzo was great. Please let me know if there are any bars around Hyogo, Osaka, or Kyoto that specialize in local sake 🍶.
Asano Sake Shop in Hamamatsucho has a wide selection of local sake from various prefectures in Kyoto, Umeda, and Sannomiya 🙄. I don't think there are many bars in Kansai that specialize in local sake 🤔.
Yuasa Sake Shop in Nishinomiya offers a wide variety of minor sake from Hyogo.
Also, if you are planning to visit Nara again, I recommend you to go to Nara Izumi Yusai 👍they have many brands that are not available outside of Nara 😆 You can buy them if you like them.
Asano-san in Tokyo is still halfway about sake in the Kanto region, but that's how it is in Kansai 🤔. Yuasa Sake Shop sounds interesting. I'm planning to do a sake brewery tour in Hyogo someday, so I'll try to visit then. ☺️
That's right. I was only in Nara city for one night, plus I had drinks with friends in Kyoto and stayed in Kashihara the next day😅. I knew I should have gone to Izumi Yusai after all 😌.
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Opened September 25, 2022 Purchased on a trip Sour but very refreshing ^ ^. Not carbonated, but refreshing and easy to drink, like cider or plum juice❗️. Amazing, this is so disgusting! I feel like it goes with everything. Good sake❗️ However, I thought it was strangely light, but it was 5% alcohol content. That's right.
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Obtained a brand I was drinking for the first time from an acquaintance. It was produced in March 2021, a year before the first one, so I expected the taste to have changed in a unique way. (Immediately after opening the package) The color is a pale yellow. When drunk cold, it has a slight peachy aroma. In the mouth, there is a strong taste like that of a slaughterhouse, but it soon fades away and the pungent taste of alcohol appears. The aftertaste is dry with little bitterness. The aroma is fruity, and it is a clear dry sake with almost no bitterness or other unpleasant tastes. When warmed up, the peachy aroma fades, and the strong taste in the mouth is retained, but the dry aftertaste is more pronounced. Perfect sake for summer!
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後藤酒造場(八女市黒木町) 年末に発売する唯一の生酒らしい。糸島産山田錦。軽めの酒質で印象には残らない。昨年末に蔵元にて購入。四合瓶で3,000円もするので、希少な生ということを割り引いても、もっと安くて旨いものが多いだけにコスパは相当低いです。

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Kinran Fuji Musume

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