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HooseitokuTrapeza Genshu純米吟醸原酒
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This Sake has an initial sweetness and a full mouth feel. There is a hint of cedar as the alcohol clears my pallet. Very good with big flavor foods like yakiniku. Seitoku has many Sake that I enjoy.
Hooseitoku舞風 純米吟醸原酒純米吟醸原酒
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Maikaze 2022 3rd bottle purchased in a special trial box. My personal favorite type ⭐︎. It has a spiciness with a strong sweetness and a smooth texture on the tongue. It reminds me once again how much I enjoy sake.
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All Gunma, Maifu drinking set. Seitoku-san in Amagasaki town. It is a minor place which is difficult to understand and to explain for those who are not familiar with Gunma Prefecture. It is in the place. I have no memory of having received it, and I may not have drunk it even when I was in Gunma. It is a Junmai Ginjo Genshu made with Gunma 227 yeast. This yeast is an improved version of KAZE yeast, and Seitoku-san seems to use it often. It has a dark yamabuki color, a fruitiness like Japanese pears and apples, and a sweetness like brown sugar that has been aged. It has enough umami, and the latter half is tightened and there is astringency. It is austere and flashy or rich in flavor. I think the personality is brought out together with this yeast. Good impression.
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Not a big fan of nihonshu with yakiniku... but I couldn’t resist trying out the local stuff. Good balance of umami and fruitiness. Nothing to write home about though. 3.00/5
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Yesterday, when I was looking for a souvenir at Takasaki station, I found it! I asked the brewery for a Daiginjo as well, and when I asked for one, it was delicious! It is a sake that is easy to drink and refreshing, and is a must-have sake to pair with sashimi or fish. It's quite a hit! The people at the brewery said it's not easy with Corona, but I'd love to drink a variety of sake to make it more exciting!

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