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Nihonbashi 1

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2-chōme-29-3 Sakurachō, Gyoda, Saitama
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2024 1115 ☆☆☆☆ Nihonbashi Junmai Sake Set Airport Limited Edition Junmai Daiginjo Polishing ratio 40 100ml Yokota Shuzo Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture
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2024 1115 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Nihonbashi Ukishiro Junmai Sake Set Airport Limited Edition Junmai Ginjo Polishing ratio 60 100ml Yokota Shuzo Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture
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2024 1115 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Nihonbashi Edo Banquet Junmai Sake Set Airport Limited Edition Mellow Junmai Polishing ratio: 70 Yokota Shuzo Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture
Nihonbashi金撰 古酒普通酒原酒
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Purchased at Takashimaya's Sake Festival (****) The International Wine Challenge 2024 seal is different from last year It still has the distinct flavor and ripeness of the original sake. The taste is more dense than last year's! Maybe it's just my imagination. I wanted to buy a set of three small bottles as an objet d'art, but I bought this one. Maybe it's personal, but it's my favorite! I also bought a cup of Hokusetsu. I'll see you next time!
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Another nihomshu that needs time to breathe. When first open, mainly tasted the sharp alcohol, but after a few days, it mellows to a taste of rice, melon, sharpness with a slight bitter finish. Very drinkable cold. The taste mellows over time and 2 weeks later is still good with less alcohol hit.
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This year, I had some business in the Kanto area, and when I decided to go somewhere else, I chose Saitama because of Nihonbashi (´・ω・`). The long-sought-after kabob I got there was fully equipped with sugar and acidifiers! Full of normal cup character, cheapness of heating up (that's good) The light acidity is nice The flavor is a little firm. For a relaxing New Year's Eve, a homey cup like this is better than a heavy one! It's a problem that the New Year's Eve song and WBC are on the same day! Hachiro Kasuga, Saburo Kitajima, Ichiro, it's a busy day!
Shinjou, It's really just regular, normal sake, 👍. This year Shinjo-san's visit to Saitama allowed us to reaffirm the power of Saitama sake. I hope you have a good year-end and New Year holidays.
Thank you very much. I hope Mr. Hiraccio is enjoying his good drink. I guess there are not so many sake lovers in Japan, and Saitama sake is not so popular.
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On a weekday off, I went to see "Sho de Saitama" 2 at a movie theater in Saitama-shintoshin. It was as good as or better than the first one. I was entertained by the seriousness and grandeur of the film 👍. The theme song "New Blooming Saitama" by Ms. Hanawa was a good song and image, and I was moved by it. I visited Shiga Prefecture on my graduation trip when I was a student and visited the ruins of Azuchi Castle, I have only been to Shiga on two days, when I visited the ruins of Azuchi Castle on a graduation trip when I was a student, and on a trip by myself after I became an adult, I visited Ishiyama Temple, Mitsui Temple, and climbed up to Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei from Sakamoto Cable. Sake in Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture, which also plays an important role in the production. Nihonbashi. It is really just an ordinary sake. We enjoyed it cold, at room temperature, lukewarm, and hot.
Good evening. Yokota Shuzo-sama liked it and went to Saitama! I put this cup on my trump card for this year, but the regular cup is a happy place! Shiga also has a lot of good sake, even if the brands are relatively modest in name recognition!
Good morning, Shinjou 😊. Oh, you have put it on your trump card. Gyoda is not to be missed for history buffs, with the Sakitama burial mounds, famous for the iron sword of Wakatakeru, and the Oshijo castle. Shiga also has a variety of delicious sake!
Good morning, Mr. Hiraccio! I thought it was a movie! I thought it was a movie, but I haven't seen it yet even though I live in Shiga 💦The ruins of Azuchi Castle have been renovated and now you can see a little bit of the atmosphere of that time. I hope you will visit here!
Good morning, Pon-chan 😊 Tobitakun, I was able to see the real thing when it came to Saitama for the movie exhibition: ❗️ When I visited the Azuchi castle ruins more than 20 years ago, it was almost just a mountain and I made up for it with my imagination😅. I see that it has been improved.
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As always, at the right time for a business trip. It has been a long time since I had a business trip outside of the prefecture. The aroma is typical of sake.
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The 12th brewery at the 6th Takashimaya Sake Festival Yokota Sake Brewery [Nihonbashi] [Ukishiro], Saitama Prefecture / Gyoda City This brewery has won the Gold Medal in the National New Sake Competition 22 times (the most in Saitama Prefecture). We met up with bouken-san here, and since we could get a pair of boar cups by following him on Instagram, the four of us followed him and the other guys. We were just sold out of boar cups 😁. Nihonbashi Nigori Sake It was creamy but I think the aftertaste was refreshing. Nihonbashi Junmai Sake, freshly squeezed raw sake. The taste is full and rich. Nihonbashi Junmai Daiginjo Nama Sake Fresh, fruity and delicious. Nihonbashi Dark Mellow Junmai Edo no Banquet It uses Edo yeast. The official name is "Saccharomyces yedo". It tastes like old sake, and when I asked if it was aged, they said it was not. I think they said they use rice. He gave me a boar cup, but I said hello to him while the other guy was buying and went on to the next without buying anything... 🙏.

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