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日本酒天国 おにたいじ
It has a firmness that is typical of the original sake. As the temperature rises, it softens, but there is a slight alcohol taste in the aftertaste.
Yas☆San, are you drinking outside today? Amazing 👍
takeshon, this is for yesterday😅. Today is bad weather so I'm drinking at home 🍶.
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This is the first cup of the restaurant at Sakaesake Square 22. The aroma is a nice aroma of rice, and when you put it on your tongue, sweetness and spiciness come. Very tasty. They say it is made to drink outside. I heard that it goes well with meat, so I would like to bring this dish for camping.
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Product Name Junmai Tamakashiwa Type Junmai-shu Raw material rice Hida Homare Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 Sake Degree +2 Acidity 1.4 Amino acidity 0.8
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Satsuma-age (fried fish cake) and yakitori (grilled chicken) at a nearby shopping street today.
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One cup at room temperature. It is a mellow sake with a weak but mellow taste. There is almost no aroma. The taste is a little spicy. There is a good amount of alcohol.
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Unpasteurized sake with a little strength. A good balance of mellowness and umami! Rich and delicious taste
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Hida Homare 55% Polished Rice At the first sake shop, we found a famous sake. We thought we were lucky, but the owner said it was for beginners, and if you know the taste, you should try Tamakashiwa. I was so excited that I bought a bottle of it. What kind of habit is it? I opened the bottle with trepidation. The aroma is sweet and refreshing rather than fruit. When you put it in your mouth, there are no habits at all. It has a beautiful and clear sweetness, and it ends with a refreshing acidity. Huh? I had imagined a classic taste, but it has a refined balance. There is no bitterness, and even the undiluted sake is easy to drink. Of course it can be used as a sake during meals, but it has a depth that makes you want to drink it by itself as well. You can see the carefulness. This is a kura master award-winning brewery. The opening of the bottle was on February 22nd, and it was a Nyan Nyan Nyan. Fried squid with garlic butter and sake lees soup. On the third day after opening the bottle, a beautiful sweetness spreads further. The balanced acidity, spiciness and astringency keep it tight, so it is not sweet at all. It has both beauty and solid drinkability. Serve with grilled cheese with sake lees at Tamakashiwa's brewery, YAMAHA. Too clean tasting for cold sake, but with a solid core, heating it up adds fullness and acidity, which I prefer 😋️ delicious❗️
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Retest! Guess the specs quiz sake, I did it last week and missed it by a long shot, so I'm going to retest it. I know the answer and taste it. Well, it was good, so I just want to drink it again. Once again, it's still full of sweetness and flavor. The aroma has honey in it. A nice aroma. When I drank it after biting into the kabocha that came with the fried burdock, it was even sweeter and happier. Rice polishing ratio: 55%. If you think about it, it's beautiful. But it's also full of flavor, so I don't think I can guess this one. Sake degree: plus 2 The item I missed the most last time. The sweetness of the honey, while it's certainly plentiful in the aroma, it doesn't seem to be so much in the taste. But it still feels sweet. Sake degree is difficult. If I compare it to Ghibli, I said last time that it was the last scene of "Whispering in the Ear", and the line that Seishi says while looking at the sunrise, but maybe it's not that sweet. I'll leave it to the slope scene before that. I knew it was sweet! Satisfaction: ★★★★ .
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It's so honey-sweet and delicious! There is an interesting sake. It's a quiz to find out the specs of the rice and percentage of polish. It seems that if you read the QR code on the back label, you'll get an answer sheet, but unfortunately the answer period was already over and I couldn't answer it. But it's interesting, so I'll post it before I see the answers. Actually, I have a lot of drinks piled up that I haven't posted yet, but I'm going to post this one that I drank today first. It tastes like honey sweet! After that, the flavor is solid. Speculation. Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing rate: 70%. Acidity: 1.8 Sake meter reading: minus 8 Charcoal filtration: no Number of times to fire: 2 times There's a word limit, so I'll put the reasoning behind it on Instagram. But still, isn't this kind of quiz a foul thing to do with this kind of perverted drink, lol. To use a Ghibli analogy, it's the line from the last scene in Ghibli where Seishi says that while watching the sunrise at the end of "Earshot". I won't spoil it for you because I'm sure some of you haven't seen it, but it's the sweetest scene in the history of Ghibli. Explode! Satisfaction Level: ★★★★☆ .
I looked at the answer. Well, I knew I wouldn't be able to, but it was a pleasantly large miss! I can't put it in the comments, so I'm putting it up on Instagram. If you'd like, take a look and laugh at it.

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