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The restaurant does not seem to be a sake store, but the lineup always draws me in. This time, I ordered "SENKOURI" and this was the sake I ordered. Fresh! But almost no acidity. But there was almost no acidity, and a slight bubbling sensation on the tongue. The dishes were sashimi of flatfish and fried red mullet. Oh, yummy! I'm glad I ordered it. (^^)
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Senkou's Hansui UI. The rice is polished to 80%, so it's not light, but it's not heavy either. Anyway, it was delicious. As with Mizu to Echika, Senkin-san makes delicious sake.
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Another brand of Senkou. I was surprised when I saw the specs after drinking it! It's so refreshing and light, yet it's Junmai, as expected from Senkou! The aroma is like a fresh Kyoho grape. The mouthfeel is slightly thick. The fruity taste like grape spreading in the mouth from the first half and the clean acidity are a perfect match! It also has a juicy taste like eating grapes, and the aftertaste has a slight bitterness that is also very nice. The aroma of the natural yeast and the flavor of the rice are also in perfect balance. It is fruity, but also has the flavor of rice, and is very clean and refreshing to drink. That's Senkou~! It's delicious!
UsuiUI 特別純米特別純米原酒無濾過
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☆☆- Hamizu UI Special Junmai Tochigi Prefecture Senkin mouth opening  Beautiful.  The aroma is banana. It is the recent trend of Jun Gin.  It is a special junmai, but it is polished to 50%.  It has the atmosphere of Jun Gin.  You can feel the careful work in the taste.  It is easy to match with food.  Although the impact is weak  but it was delicious and good sake. Yogo bottle 1650yen tax included Yamadanishiki Hitogochi 50% polished 15 degrees
UsuiUI 生酛純米純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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☆☆☆☆ Hanamizu UI Ikarashi Junmai Tochigi Prefecture Senkin Open mouth  Gentle aroma. Feel the rice alcohol.  First sip Ah! Sweet? Dark?  The taste is different from what I imagined, and I'm confused.  The word that came out was "Delicious!  I was imagining a pure rice wine  I imagined a pure rice wine, but I got a lactic acid bacteria rice drink.  It's like that. The taste of rice origin.  The taste of fermentation The taste of amino acid other than sugar  Whole rice fermented drink  Although I like pure rice sake  Although I like Junmai-shu, I have been focusing on Jungin.  this Junmai-shu is a new stimulus.  It seems to be similar to Kaze no Mori's low polished rice  It is a sake that has another sense of rice. Yogo bottle 1650yen tax included YAMADANISHIKI polished 80% Nama-kan Junmai unfiltered undiluted sake 14 degrees
UsuiUI 特別純米特別純米原酒無濾過
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Ahh. I shouldn't be drinking in this mood. The burned alcohol is gently enveloping me.
Usuiうすい UI(ウィ) 生酛純米 瓶燗火入れ
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I can't read this label! I can't read it! The writing is so thin! ......, and when I finally deciphered it, I found out that it was 90% polished rice (Kake rice)? I like the complex flavor of low polished rice, but 90% is a first for me. I have high hopes for this one! It opens with a fresh grapefruit aroma. The first taste... oh, it's so good! Overall, it's silky and very juicy. It's a bit of a contradiction, but I can't help it! That's how I feel. The acidity is superb, and the rice flavor is amplified by the slight hint of oriental flavor. I don't care about the specs on the sake shop's website, which say it has an acidity of 3.5 and a sake strength of -6. It just stands out for its deliciousness that you can drink as much as you want. The complexity of the flavor, which is like pineapple and honey, keeps the drinker interested, and you can enjoy the strength of the acidity depending on the temperature range (isn't it recommended up to 7℃?). You can enjoy the strength of the acidity depending on the temperature range. The "Hanamizu" I drank before was just a delicious sake, but this new concept sake "UI" is completely different. It has a freshness and crispness that you don't feel from the heat treatment, making it the perfect sake for the coming season.
M, right? I'm sure.
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Senkin's Hanamizu. There were two types of sake, special junmai and traditional sake, but I chose special junmai. The aroma was fruity and banana-like. The mouthfeel was also fruity and sweet and sour, but it was not sweet and sour. It was easy to drink.

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