ZunpapaIchinoide特別純米Kuge HontenOita1/20/2021, 8:20:56 AM1/20/2021日本酒&ワインバル リール食堂11ZunpapaSlightly peculiar alcohol smell. It has a light sweetness and a crispy flavor in the mouth, and it finishes with a sharpness that burns the throat.Japanese>English
imnotyuriIchinoide上撰普通酒Kuge HontenOita7/23/2020, 6:52:56 AM15imnotyuriIt's a travel companion - sneaky. It is dry, slightly sour and bitter, and can leave a sense of rising alcohol and a hot feeling in your throat. It's good to travel by train with a cup of sake, it's a great supporting role.Japanese>English
じぇんてぃーれIchinoide特別純米Kuge HontenOita11/25/2016, 11:54:54 AM2じぇんてぃーれしっかりしたほのかな黄色、うわだち香は。穏やか、柑橘系、味わいは、こっくりしたあまさ、ボデイ。爽やかで滑らかな口当たり、決してしつこくない、苦味が少なくのみやすい。銘酒。じぇんてぃーれ5.0