よーし57In fact, it has already been 4 days since I started drinking it.
It has a robust flavor and, according to the store, is made by a shochu maker, so it certainly has a strong sake taste.
The rice polishing ratio is 55%, and the alcohol content is 17%.
It is easy to drink because it has no unpleasant taste and goes well with sashimi. Today, we are having it again with yellowtail from our hometown and tuna from a local restaurant.
It is the best! inusakeIt has a dry and tangy taste. But it is easy to drink, not too much liquoriness.
I drank it at room temperature, but it would taste even better chilled 😊🍶. 数ちゃん⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Mellow sweetness and mouthwatering acidity.
It is also exceptional when well chilled! hiroshi1958Home brewing, 17%, 55% polished rice, Manufactured: February 2023, Released from the warehouse: June 2023, 100% "Wakamizu" rice suitable for sake brewing produced in Usuki, Oita Prefecture nomu-koIt was a gift from my aunt who said she won it in some sweepstakes.
It's thick and pungent with the sweetness of rice... what a strange taste... after drinking it, my mouth feels refreshed! Are you licking the Hakka? I learned that there is a world of flavors that I still don't know 😳....
Hmmm...but as I continue to drink it, I feel like I'm going to have a hard time with it...is it too acidic? 💦It's still a matter of taste... 🥺.
I'll drink it well, little by little 😂.
I'll try it on the rocks...I'll give it a try on the rocks...lol...on the rocks, the unique Hacca flavor is lessened and it's more sukkie. I'm going to drink it with this 😍 lol 倍割りYoung water.
Smooth around the first taste. The flavor is mild from the middle of the bottle. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title