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初しぼり 1

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初しぼり特別本醸造 2018BY
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Is "Hatsu Shibori" the brand name 😳? I will enjoy the changes after opening the bottle, alternating with Gunma Izumi and Shichirobei, which appeared in yesterday's post. shipped December 2018, 5th year ripe. Inspired post. Both Junmai and Honjozo are available, but I went with the Honjozo following the liquor store's recommendation that the quality of the Gunma Izumi alsobe was not half bad and the cosmetics were better with the Honjozo. It took me about 10 minutes to purchase it because I had to bring it out from the warehouse 🙏. The aroma is like alcohol antiseptic. It might be hard on the first day of opening the bottle, so I started it hot. 50 degrees Celsius. Eh what's this (in a good way). It has a fruity taste with sourness and bitterness, more like grapefruit than orange. The taste is a bit different from most of the orange-red sake. The taste is almost the same at 40℃, 45℃, and 50℃, and at 60℃ it is not much different (maybe a little sweeter). It is almost the same at room temperature, but has a slightly orangey sweetness. It can also be served cold, but it has a slightly hydrogenated taste. It has a unique impression of a sharp, fresh, matured sake, which is very much to my liking. Gunma Izumi has an image of being sweeter than other matured sake, but this is more about sharpness. It is refreshing and clean. Add Gunma Izumi to your favorite brands.
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Slightly cloudy and fluffy, this is the first pressing in March of this year. It was soft and fruity with the flavor of rice. The container was also nice. It goes well with roasted chestnuts and ricotta cheese.
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Breweries in Ota City, Gunma Prefecture Wakamizu, etc. Polishing ratio 60 The owner of the brewery told me that it was "like a melon," and it is exactly a melon. It is a melon dominantly. Taste 5 Sharpness 4
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When I was in Maebashi, I used to drink this sake every year as a tradition during this season. After I left Gunma, I haven't had it for a while...but now that I'm back in my hometown, I get it every year again👍. This sake arrived yesterday and I'm ready to drink it 💦 I opened it yesterday. As usual, it is a fast brewing sake, which is rare for Gunma Izumi. There is no fruity topping, fresh rice and koji aroma. The supernatant is quite dry. Even when mixed with a small amount of lees, it seems much spicier than before. After mixing, there is a fizzy feeling. The sweetness and umami also increase. Still, it is tighter and harder than before. There seems to be no green apple flavor. The alcohol taste is also stronger in the second half 😋.
Jurian, good evening😊. This is delicious. So it is harder than before. I also like the white paper on the lid? I also like the white paper on the lid.
Good morning, Mr. Hiraccio 😊. Last year too, but it seemed tighter and cleaner than before. This is good too, but I liked the old unrefined look 🤔.

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