ぷらぷらI didn't know the name of this sake from Kochi, so I tried it and it was quite tasty! It was fruity and rather my favorite! ぷらぷらStable taste! It's lighter than the Toyobai I just had! ぷらぷらSteady and tasty, but a little crisp 🤔. 乾杯日本酒メンYuki City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
Takeyuki. 乾杯日本酒メンEchizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture.
Niu Shuzo Brewery. HijiriSAVAGE 生酛 純米大吟醸 火入純米大吟醸生酛 乾杯日本酒メンShibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture.
Sei Shuzo Brewery. きっしーGood for fish! Not too sweet, but good! RecommendedContentsSectionView.title