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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン

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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 13📝. A place where you can continue to compare Niigata's sake 👀 The third and last drink was a basic Ihyakumangoku from Hokusetsu. Compared to Koshitanrei, it flows smoothly with an even cleaner taste. Classical? One would think so, with its strong character, but it tasted quite delicate. This is what I call "light and dry.
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 12📝. A place where you can continue to compare Niigata's sake 👀 The second glass was Hokusetsu's Koshitanrei. First time drinking it, but I can't remember where I've seen it or not 🌀 It has a slight pineapple aroma and flows smoothly 🍍. It has a gentle taste and would go well with fish dishes 💡. I've been seeing Niigata sake made with Koshitanrei lately, but it's so pricey that I can't afford it, so this was a great opportunity ✨.
Sasaiwai祝吹 イエローラベル
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 11📝. Next, I found a place where you can compare Niigata's sake at the refreshment booth 👀. It was 1,500 yen for 3 bottles, so I tried some brands that are a bit expensive and I don't drink at home very often. The first bottle was Sasashuku's Shukubuki Yellow Label. I looked it up and found that there are five kinds of Shukubuki, and the yellow label says it is multi-acidic. It is indeed an adult lemon squash with a little more acidity. It was just the right flavor to reset my palate after drinking so much.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee😃. There was a hi-iru version of this sake sold at Azuma Tsuru 😊. I was curious because I had a feeling it was a weird sake because it said it had -15 sake and strong acidity 🤣.
Good morning bouken-san ☀︎ Yes, you are right, putting such a maniacal sake in the bottle 👍. It wasn't as sour as I thought it would be, but to the average person, it would be a perverted sake lol.
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 10📝. Next is Ishikawa Prefecture's booth. Here, Noto Sake was the main product, and they were offering tastings for a fee of 50 mL ¥ 300. Looking back on it now, I have mixed feelings because all the breweries had suffered greatly from the Noto Peninsula earthquake on New Year's Day. I chose Noto Suehiro's Ryo this time. I chose it thinking that it might be a little bit like "Ryo Ishikawa. It is a little sticky on the palate, with a delicious rice flavor and a little bit of alcohol, and it goes down smoothly. I thought that junmai sake is easier to grasp the characteristics of the brewery since all the sake so far have been too beautiful 💡. This was my first check-in in Ishikawa myself✨. I hope I can continue to drink and support Ishikawa sake in the future 📣.
Good morning, Yoohee. ☀️ Enjoying the Tourism Expo 😄 Surprised you checked in for the first time in Ishikawa 😳 Ishikawa's sake is delicious 😋. We are all rooting for you 📣.
Good morning Maru, ☀︎ I ended up wandering around looking for sake lol. I had never really been aware of the sake in Ishikawa, so this was a good opportunity for me 💡. I'll have to check it out at the liquor store👍
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 9📝. Nagano Prefecture's booth continued The 4th cup is Kagamikazuki. This one is made with 100% Hitogokochi 🍶. It goes in like water, but flows smoothly with a slight sourness. All four bottles were new to me, and since they were all junmai-ginjo and daiginjo level, they were all delicious and went down smoothly ✨. Nagano sake is of a high level - I want to try junmai sake next time 💡.
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 8📝. Nagano Prefecture's booth continued The third drink was Alps Masamune. The name Masamune in katakana is too cool ✨. This time we will have a Junmai Daiginjo of Yamae Nishiki 🍶. It has a mellow mouthfeel and flows with a hint of sweetness. This is also a Junmai Daiginjo, so the taste is elegant and flows smoothly 💨.
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 7📝. Nagano Prefecture's booth continued The second cup was Onna-Toba-no-Izumi. First time seeing this brand and excited to see what it tastes like✨. It has a soft sweetness like Wasanbon, and flows smoothly with a hint of sourness. No bitterness here either, and quite easy to drink and suitable for a mid-meal drink 💡. It was made with Miyamanishiki from Nagano Prefecture, which was a strong promotion of the prefecture's production 👍.
DaishinshuGI NAGANO ひとごごち純米吟醸
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 6📝. Next is Nagano Prefecture's booth There were always about 30 people waiting in line to be able to compare 4 different kinds of drinks here. The first one was Oshinshu made with Hitogokochi. It is a famous sake from Nagano, but this was my first time drinking it✨. It was a little sweet like melon and flowed smoothly 🍈. No bitterness, and I thought it was pretty easy to drink and suitable as a food sake 💡.