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Sasaiwai祝吹 イエローラベル
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インテックス大阪 6号館Bゾーン
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 11📝. Next, I found a place where you can compare Niigata's sake at the refreshment booth 👀. It was 1,500 yen for 3 bottles, so I tried some brands that are a bit expensive and I don't drink at home very often. The first bottle was Sasashuku's Shukubuki Yellow Label. I looked it up and found that there are five kinds of Shukubuki, and the yellow label says it is multi-acidic. It is indeed an adult lemon squash with a little more acidity. It was just the right flavor to reset my palate after drinking so much.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee😃. There was a hi-iru version of this sake sold at Azuma Tsuru 😊. I was curious because I had a feeling it was a weird sake because it said it had -15 sake and strong acidity 🤣.
Good morning bouken-san ☀︎ Yes, you are right, putting such a maniacal sake in the bottle 👍. It wasn't as sour as I thought it would be, but to the average person, it would be a perverted sake lol.