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It is characterized by a firm mouthfeel and a mellow aroma. It is a dry sake, but with the full flavor of the rice. It is easy to match with all kinds of Japanese food such as nabe and sashimi.
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There are 300ml of about 650 yen and 900 yen, and this time I bought the cheap one. I don't know why all the sake breweries use the rice polishing ratio of 59 When you open the bottle, you can smell a slight fruity aroma. It has a slight spiciness, a little sweetness, and a sense of rice. Is it a little thin ? There is a feeling that it is a little thin. Is it good as an eating sake?
北光金紋錦 特別純米特別純米
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You can hear a pushy sound when you open the bottle. Kinmon Nishiki is a rare type of rice that is rarely grown in many areas. We bought it while chatting with a brewer who was selling it at an antenna shop in Hokuriku. We were not allowed to taste it after Corona, but we were allowed to do so at the time. Thank goodness. The aroma is banana, but it's not sticky, but light. In the mouth, the taste of rice is transferred to the tongue along with alcohol. After that, the flavor turns to sweetness, and this sweetness gives a unique taste as if you were eating a hazelnut sweet. Perhaps this may be due to the influence of its parent Yamada Nishiki. However, it's not as sweet as Kishoushu, though. When air is present, the sweetness increases and the pineapple flavor that was behind the lightness appears. Instead, the nuts disappear. It is easy to drink with less alcohol smell and less stimulation. It has a sweetness, but the flavor left in the mouth shows that it is a sake that you can enjoy the flavor and is more towards the dry side, so I think it can be used as a mid-meal drink as well. (But it's only lightly seasoned).
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I bought it at Shusake Corporation. I decided to buy it on the recommendation that it was refreshing and easy to drink for a hiyaoroshi beer. It's true that it's easy to drink with a light mouthfeel and a strong flavor. By the way, I drink it with green curry.
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不要不急の外出を避けるべく、早めに飲みに出ました。 狭い店だけどマスターしか居ないので、全然OK^_^ アナウンス見たタイミングからの見たかった。 想像通り、すっと入ってふわっと広がり足跡残しながら消えていく、、美味しいわ、マスター絶賛。 飲みたい理由が、キスマイ の北山宏光だと思ったからとはいえない
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穏やかな香り 少し特徴的な酸味があるまろやかな旨味 最後はさっぱりした後味 実験シリーズのわりに普通の感じかな

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