nagoniiNebuta純米MomokawaAomori1/26/2025, 10:11:39 AMMichinoku Yume Plaza (みちのく夢プラザ)16nagoniiMichinoku Antenna Shop, 3rd oneJapanese>English
よっちNebuta純米MomokawaAomori1/23/2025, 11:35:01 AM1/19/2025青森ねぶたワールド外飲み部45よっちAomori Nebuta World Shimbashi Store Pure rice, clean and clear Event Tsugaru Shamisen, the best in the world Aomori yam tororo cheese bakedJapanese>English
じゅんじゅんNebuta淡麗純米酒MomokawaAomori1/5/2025, 11:58:52 AM1/5/202525じゅんじゅんOn the last day of the New Year vacations, I had a hand-rolled sushi event at home. I had Nebuta, which was the same as the one I had the day before yesterday, but I missed the deliciousness of Shimehari-zuru.Japanese>English
とんけまんNebuta純米酒MomokawaAomori12/11/2024, 2:29:08 PM2とんけまんDry and great with fugu fillet sakeJapanese>English
diskNebuta桃川 淡麗純米酒MomokawaAomori12/10/2024, 10:56:18 AM30diskLight and dry sake Like nectar waterJapanese>English
AFUJINebutaMomokawaAomori11/22/2024, 1:45:48 PM11/22/2024津軽海鮮 いなせ17AFUJII think it tasted pretty harsh. It was hard to drink it all, but it was delicious!Japanese>English
かっしーNebuta純米MomokawaAomori11/8/2024, 1:51:40 PM11/8/2024家飲み部20かっしーIt is easy to drink and delicious, with a gentle, light rice sweetness on the palate.Japanese>English