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Daiginjo Daiseiun Fruity and floral aroma with elegant and gentle rice aroma In the mouth, the fruity aroma from the first sip and the delicate, clean sweetness and umami typical of refined Yamada-Nishiki spread smoothly. The aftertaste is pleasantly bitter with a hint of bitterness. It gives the impression of sharpness, but with a clear and crisp finish. Since it's Christmas, I paired the turkey 🦃 with a pistachio cake for dessert, and the bitterness is lost in the sweetness of the cake 🍶It goes well with it! ♡♡ Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewing alcohol Rice used: Yamadanishiki Sake degree: +5 Acidity: 1.3 Rice polishing ratio: 39 Alcohol content: 15 to 16 degrees Celsius
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I'll be posting a series of posts today 😎 lol The clerk at Ikebukuro Tobu recommended it for during the meal! and I've never heard of this brand before. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm not sure what to make of it. It's not too sweet, but it certainly goes well with meals✨. It had a gentle and refreshing mouthfeel ☺️👍
Good evening😃. I don't know... what can I say... it looks like the kind of label you'd find in a lot of supermarkets and mass merchandisers😅. I know that the label has nothing to do with what's inside, but I think I'll pass it up unless it's recommended 😱.
Hi etorannzyu, good evening to you too! It's true that the label is a bit inconspicuous😅. But it was as good as recommended 😋🎶
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Saitama Junmai Binding 7th stage The Daiginjo from Haroun Shuzo Brewery is what got me into drinking sake. Before that, I didn't even drink much alcohol... It's clean and refreshing with no messiness. It's spicy. It looks like it's going to be in the Zensho group, but it would be nice to be able to drink this at Sukiya or something...
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This Sake starts with a nice floral fragrance. The first sip has a ripe apple flavor. There is a sweet syrup mouth feel that spreads the sweetness of the apple flavor over the tongue. The sweetness lasts through the long after taste. I'm enjoying this Sake with home-made kakuni and they are a great combination.
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Seiun Shuzo Daiginjo Shizuku Sake Daiginjo for the competition A beautiful and gorgeous ginjo aroma from the uprising incense In the mouth, it has an immersive lightness, with a gorgeous and fruity aroma like apples and flowers. It is. I thought it was going to come off smoothly, but the spiciness hit my tongue pretty hard. I couldn't help whispering that it was spicy 😳. But that pain was only for the first day, and as the day went on, I got used to it. ♡ Raw material name: Rice (domestic) Rice malt (domestic) brewer's alcohol Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing rate: 39%. Sake meter value:+5 Acidity: 1.3 Alcohol Content:17-18% Alcohol Content:17-18%
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晴雲 しぼりたて生酒 昨年、次男が参加した小川町の小川和紙マラソン(ハーフ)完走記念に、現地で購入してきた地酒です。年跨ぎでいただくと縁起が良いと聞いてきたとかで、大晦日と元旦にいただきました。柔らかな甘みで一年の疲れが癒され、爽やかなフレッシュさが新しい一年への希望を抱かせてくれます…今年もよろしくお願いいたします☆

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