wanko4th cup.
Fresh fine fizzy melon flavor!
You can have as many glasses of ministry as you can of sparkling wine.
'Like a faint first love I felt on my first trip abroad' by the wife next door. wankoThird cup.
Sourness and a firm, assertive aftertaste.
But it's refreshing.
Tastes like a new employee who can speak his mind clearly. wankoSecond drink.
The 180cc bottle is cute.
I've heard that you can only drink this at restaurants.
Elegant sweetness and aftertaste.
A true beauty must taste like this." by the wife next to me. wankoFirst drink.
They say it's the only kind you can taste in the restaurant.
''Looks like you'll live a long time! by the neighbor's wife. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title