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Jiyūgaoka Station (自由が丘駅)

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Taste without corners. There is no habit. The owner told me that the brand name is "Banrei", but the alcohol content has been lowered to make it more fun and easier to drink, and the label has been changed to a cute cat, so it's called "Nyanrei" for the first time this year! I'm a sake beginner, so I don't have much knowledge or vocabulary, and it's always hard for me to remember when I'm in a good mood, but I'd like to remember the one I like best today... lol
ZuikanMizukan Junmai Yamada Nishiki純米
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Jiyūgaoka Station (自由が丘駅)
I bought this sake in Onomichi. I haven’t found the sake that I love in Hiroshima, and this one also isn’t it. As the label suggests, it’s very, very dry. I had put it in the fridge, and perhaps also tried it too cold. Next, I’ll try warming it. Please give me recommendations for other Hiroshima sake to try!