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Next up, Stark Kaiser. Interesting label. Napoleon? It says "Super dry". It is indeed dry. It has a Sake meter of +10! But is it that dry? It has a taste and a little bit of sweetness. It's getting harder and harder to tell, but since I'm here, I'll upload it today.
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Tom in Tokyo
These are the comments of an amateur sake lover. Please forgive me in advance. The label is unique, so I couldn't imagine what it would taste like, but when I actually drank it, the spicy taste hit my throat from the first sip. Personally, I like the taste and it makes my throat feel like a desert from the moment I drink it. If you like dry sake, I hope you will try it. We hope you find it useful.
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This sake was recommended to me as a dry sake at a liquor store. It reminds me of a cartoon character, but it is Napoleon, the character of "strong emperor". I was prepared for it to be a +10 dry sake, but the aroma was clear and semedyne-like, like Senkou. It has a sweet aroma, a crisp acidity with an attack, a moderate sharpness, and a moderately dry taste. As the temperature rises, it gradually becomes fuller, deeper, and richer. It is characterized by its sharpness, but even though it is a strong emperor, it does not assert itself and respects harmony. It makes me think that this is what it means to be strong in the true sense of the word. (Whether Napoleon is like that or not is another matter. It will be useful not only for Japanese food but also as a sake for food.

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