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コスモリカー 寺田町店

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Sasaiwai笹印 越淡麗 2020BY純米原酒生酒無濾過
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コスモリカー 寺田町店
I was curious to buy it after Manachie drank it in Kiri 😁I've been curious about Sasa Celebration for a while now. It has an alcoholic and slightly ripe aroma. It has a rounded mouthfeel with a slight fruity and graininess. It has a light fruity and graininess. A little bitterness in the second half. It has a strong yet clean taste, similar to Oroku. I would like to try many more in the future. I think that sake that is not exactly my favorite but I can taste it is really a good sake. Wang Luk is one of them. It has the same specs as Manachie's, but the production date is older, so I have the impression that it is a little overripe, but there seems to be no problem in terms of sake quality. I'm a little concerned that the sense of maturity lingers on the palate long after drinking. I wonder if it was aged too long in the store?
Hello bouken, ☀️ I really agree with you about the sake that's not donpish but tastes good! And I feel that way about Oroku too 🤣 Sasashuku, I don't have a special distributor near me, but I'm curious about it~!
Hi bouken😃Oh, you bought it right away, I'm glad I reviewed it: ☺️ The direction of the flavor is very similar to that of Ohroku 😆‼️ But it's great that you have a special distributor of Sasazukuri in Osaka 😮.
Rafa papa
Good evening, bouken 😃. I was curious about Manachie's drink with Kiri number 😌Have you already had it 😳⁉️You are indeed a secret agent 🤣You are too good at gathering information 😆.
Good evening, Mamio 😃. Sometimes there are drinks that I don't like but something about them attracts me 😙. Oroku has its own unique charm 😆. It's difficult to find it because even the Sasashuku special distributors sometimes don't have it in stock 😿.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy😃. I've never heard of anyone reviewing it so this was very helpful 🤗. I have 2 shops in Osaka and 1 shop in Hyogo, but they often don't have it 😅If you go to Yodobashi, you can find the fire-roasted one, but...
Good evening, Rafa 😃. I have my antennae up in many directions 🤣 Where do you sell this? I can help you with that 😊.
Hyakujuro桜 Limited純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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コスモリカー 寺田町店
Hyakujuro has been around for a very long time. This is the first time for me to drink this sake. This one seems to be a limited version with a cherry blossom label. I guess it is a refreshing sake. It has a good balance of sweet and spicy, and gives the impression of being somewhere in between. It is light but has a strong umami. The aftertaste is a bit sour. There is a slight peachiness in the spiciness towards the end.
Hello bouken, ☀️ This Hyakujuro has a beautiful label! I think I'm going to buy a packet 🌸The taste is also very spring-like 🌸
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. I originally had my eye on this sake, but I changed it and chose this one 😊I guess it's a jackpot 😁It's not that sweet, but it tastes springy too🌸
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コスモリカー 寺田町店
The one I've had my eye on since the spring but had given up on because the liquor store I usually go to didn't carry it. The Katano Sakura Oh no 🎵 Muroka Junmai Aiyama🎵 Soft sweetness, gentle umami and acidity. A little this looks good warmed up. There is a slight yogurtiness. A little bit of yogurt, but as with Katanozakura, it has a strong sense of dosiness.
Garyubai雫酒 山田錦純米吟醸原酒生酒袋吊り
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コスモリカー 寺田町店
I bought it at Cosmoliker Teradacho, located under the elevated railway tracks in front of Teradacho Station. It has the atmosphere of a discount liquor store or a commercial liquor store, but they do sell local sake. They are on SNS, but they don't post much information and they have some rare brands. Nozomu, Kurumazaka, Matsunotoshi, Kubota, Asahiyama, Ine Mangaka, Kyo no Haru, Kitaya, Hakurei, Sasashuku, Shirokiku, Sairyu, Garyubai, Katanozakura, Ryoseki, Ippongi, Denshin, Ariiso Akebono, Yamatan Masamune, Takayuu, Harushika, Shoyuki, Mizuto-Echika (new brand from Senkyoku), etc. I was going to buy Sasazukushi since I have never had it, but it was a 5-year aged raw sake, so I decided to go with Garyubai, which I have never had 😅. I was attracted by the word "Fukuro-hozuri" and bought it. It is smooth and has a beautiful taste. It's a little too refreshing and not enough for my taste, but I think the price is great. I thought it was a little spicy, but when I looked it up, I found out that it has a Sake meter of about +8. If I had known that before I bought it, I wouldn't have bought it.
Hello 😃 If you want to drink dry sake at a liquor store, this brand is highly recommended as it's very cost effective 😍 I haven't had it yet though 🤣. But still, this is a liquor store that has many brands that you don't see here 🎶.
Hello etorannzyu 😀 I'm sure this price is very reasonable for a dry sake 👍I wonder if it's a differentiation from the competition or if it's just a matter of choosing a brand that won't be covered by the competition 🤔.