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Sasaiwai笹印 越淡麗 2020BY純米原酒生酒無濾過
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コスモリカー 寺田町店
I was curious to buy it after Manachie drank it in Kiri 😁I've been curious about Sasa Celebration for a while now. It has an alcoholic and slightly ripe aroma. It has a rounded mouthfeel with a slight fruity and graininess. It has a light fruity and graininess. A little bitterness in the second half. It has a strong yet clean taste, similar to Oroku. I would like to try many more in the future. I think that sake that is not exactly my favorite but I can taste it is really a good sake. Wang Luk is one of them. It has the same specs as Manachie's, but the production date is older, so I have the impression that it is a little overripe, but there seems to be no problem in terms of sake quality. I'm a little concerned that the sense of maturity lingers on the palate long after drinking. I wonder if it was aged too long in the store?
Hello bouken, ☀️ I really agree with you about the sake that's not donpish but tastes good! And I feel that way about Oroku too 🤣 Sasashuku, I don't have a special distributor near me, but I'm curious about it~!
Hi bouken😃Oh, you bought it right away, I'm glad I reviewed it: ☺️ The direction of the flavor is very similar to that of Ohroku 😆‼️ But it's great that you have a special distributor of Sasazukuri in Osaka 😮.
Rafa papa
Good evening, bouken 😃. I was curious about Manachie's drink with Kiri number 😌Have you already had it 😳⁉️You are indeed a secret agent 🤣You are too good at gathering information 😆.
Good evening, Mamio 😃. Sometimes there are drinks that I don't like but something about them attracts me 😙. Oroku has its own unique charm 😆. It's difficult to find it because even the Sasashuku special distributors sometimes don't have it in stock 😿.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy😃. I've never heard of anyone reviewing it so this was very helpful 🤗. I have 2 shops in Osaka and 1 shop in Hyogo, but they often don't have it 😅If you go to Yodobashi, you can find the fire-roasted one, but...
Good evening, Rafa 😃. I have my antennae up in many directions 🤣 Where do you sell this? I can help you with that 😊.