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原価酒場 けいすけ

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原価酒場 けいすけ
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Tomiou Toubei Kakari" @Farewell party 720ml 6,600yen This luxurious sake is made by hanging the unrefined "Daiginjo Yamadanishiki" in a sake bag and collecting only the drops that naturally drip down without applying pressure. The time spent in low-temperature storage and aging produces a soft sweetness and a mild mouthfeel. Polishing ratio 39%, alcohol 17%, sake degree +1.5. Kitagawa Honke is a long-established sake brewery in Fushimi, Kyoto, with a history of over 360 years since the early Edo period. Tomio" was created in the 1900s. The name was derived from the Chinese expression "Tomi ko ko okina," which means "those who are rich in spirit will be happy in their later years," from the Four Books and Five Classics of China.