It has a strong vintage, Shaoxing wine-like aroma, but the aftertaste is mild, unlike the aroma.
When eaten with dry Szechuan-style dishes, it becomes milder and envelops the palate.
Super interesting story here! Apparently the brewer found a super old recipe from the 1700s 🤯 that he followed to age in casks till the sake retains a preservative nature and a Madeira style. This one is almost a crossover with a fine wine 🍷 but has a warm wheat 🌾 grain essence. Not sweet but a bit of caramel and prune. Reminds me of slightly old grain in the silos that I cleaned for my dad on the farm 🐄
Daddy day out! Last week of summer 🌞
Once you drink it, you can't forget it. It has a good graininess.
Compare with lukewarm and hot sake.
It is mildly lukewarm. The flavor is more pronounced when it is hot.
January 15, 2022
Evening drink at home.
Nice to meet you at Saishin Sake Brewery.
Originally, it looks like a historical sake brewery
but is now owned by Seiryu Sake Brewery, a well-known brewery in Iyo-Kagiya.
Seiryu Shuzo, a well-known sake brewery
Seiryu Shuzo, which is well-known for Iyo Kagiya, is currently manufacturing the sake. Despite the austere label
Despite the austere appearance of the label, it is quite fruity and easy to drink.
Despite the austere appearance of the label, it is quite fruity and easy to drink.
It is a very fruity and easy-drinking bottle.