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神韻 Flavor Chart


神韻ブルー 70%純米原酒生酒無濾過
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酒商 のより
I bought it with Yamatsuru at Sake Merchant Yori-san. Abetaya, which I visited before going here, also had a bottle of Shinyomi, but I felt it was too dry, so I passed on it and bought it here. It has a refreshing taste like a summer sake with a mild sweetness. Although the sake level is minus, the second half of the bottle feels sharp and dry. It's sweet, but something different. It tastes better at room temperature when it is sweeter. I think Shinyun was closed for a few years after Toji Kurose moved to Inada Shuzo and the president passed away, I wonder who is running the brewery now? I don't know who is running the brewery now 🤔. I know there were fewer distributors around there... I left it for about a week and the acidity got really strong.
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Dry and refreshing. But it tastes nigori-ish and quite delicious 😋.
神韻純米酒 火入れ純米
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When poured into a glass, it has a slightly shiny color. The aroma is mild, and the taste is moist, gentle, and somewhat light. It has a crisp, clean and refreshing aftertaste. The lingering aftertaste is tightened by the acidity. 100% Yuyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 50%, Sake meter reading +1 Acidity 2.2
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This is my first time at the brewery😊. Souvenir from my husband's business trip. A little late, but finally opened the bottle✨ He bought it after the store recommended it to him. It's been a while since I've encountered a sake 🍶 that smells like seme: ☺️ I hadn't encountered this aroma much lately... It is easy to drink as it has a slight bitterness but also has a lingering sweetness 😌.
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Trip to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara. I had sake purchased in Nara with an inoguchi (sake cup) purchased in Kyoto. The sake was refreshing and easy to drink with a hint of sweetness. It was a treat!
神韻純米酒 無濾過生原酒70純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Whenever I visit Nara, I usually stop by Narayusai Izumi While browsing in the fridge I asked the owner what he had to say 🧐. I somehow picked up a rhyme He said, "Oh, that's good. I'll buy it then☺️. 70 polished, strong and tasty flavor. The acidity is also strong and the aftertaste is tight. No bitterness, low milling, but beautiful. I thought it was delicious, but I've had it before 😅This time it's a new one. I had drunk it before 😅I wanted to try a new taste this time. I thought I would try a new taste this time 😅. But this time I thought I'd try something new 😅I was going to try something new this time, but it's good, so I'm glad I did.
神韻純米酒 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Masuda Shuzo, a sake brewery located in Tenri, Nara 🍶. Driving through Nara, I had Tenri Stamina Ramen I went to the brewery to have a bite to eat. I left the warehouse reluctantly because there was no sign of people 🚙. I just found it at my favorite liquor store. First time I had it in my hands🤗 Junmai, brewed with 70 polished Hitomebore rice. The owner of the brewery said, "It is a small brewery, but it is a very good and careful sake. I was told that it was a good product. Indeed, the flavor of pure unfiltered rice rides on the It's so delicious 😋. It has the strength and acidity of a traditional sake yeast yeast.
Good evening, Takubon 😃. Whoa, that's a rhyme from Tenri❣️. This is a small brewery, but they do their best to make good sake 😋. I drank it a few times before my debut in Sakegawa👍 I can recommend it at my favorite local restaurant 😙.
Good evening, Hissan 😊. You are indeed a Nara 🍶 resident ‼️ and know it well. There are still so many different sake breweries 😋.

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