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久保田 紅寿久保田 紅寿

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Fourth type of business trip to Niigata 👀. Kubota❣️ Oh no 😨 I may have a definite hangover today 😵. Great company and great sake 🍶. This sake is representative of the Nagaoka area 🙇‍♂️
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Kubota Beniju. We had this at a local izakaya (Japanese-style bar) in Kumegawa. It is still delicious, and it soaked into my tired body. When I drink this kind of sake and feel this kind of sensation, I realize that I must have been dry.
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It's Kubota, but I found a brand I had never seen before! Beniju! Kubota, as expected, has a cool, refreshing taste, spiciness and umami that lingers on the tongue. Kirei and sweetness. Delicious!
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It hit me hard in the throat. I don't mind the throat-grabbing feeling when I eat sake alone, but when I eat it with rice, it doesn't bother me anymore! It was delicious, just like sake😊.
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Uncorked at chilled temperature. It has a light, dry taste with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Overall, it is a well-balanced sake with a high level of flavor. It has a taste similar to the sake that was popular in the 80s and 90s. The only points of concern are the high price and the sense that the sake is too well balanced.
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Cold sake first The clear air of an early summer morning. Still cool Drink it. It is smooth like water. It is not just dry, but you can feel the richness of the rice. When you swallow it, the pure sweetness of the rice remains. Next, 45℃. Rice. Deep. A good aroma makes your eyebrows crease. Drink it. The rice becomes soft and loose. The rice is thick and fully open. It has a rich and bitter taste. It is the best. When I swallow it, the aftertaste of rice and bitterness makes me cry. Next, 55℃! Quiet rice Drink it. It is thick and loose, but refreshing. It is mellow as if all of the rice has been extracted. When you swallow it, it is just rice. You will soon reach for your sake cup again. At the end, it was 65℃. Standing in the Kamakura with the snow falling I drink it. It is well balanced and thick. The acidity comes out, and it is light like water. However, the rice stands out mellowly. As you drink it, it fades away. I liked Hekiju the best among Kubota, but it might have been overwritten by Benisu. This is a year-round product that can be stored at room temperature. You'll have less trouble deciding what to drink. If you want to drink rice, this is the one. Great sake! There are many more charms that you don't know about. Sake is really fun. Even if my wife gives me the cold shoulder, I'll keep drinking. Even if I have an important meeting at work tomorrow, I'll keep drinking. I like to drink.
Good evening, susan! Please excuse my comment. I haven't drunk Kubota for a long time. My personal image of Benihisuki was red letters, but But it doesn't look red 🤣 lol
Mr. Kaoru Kanon. Good evening! Thank you for your comment. I also had an image of red text, but it's perfectly black, and the one I'm planning to upload today, Suiju, is properly green (the image of jade, a green gem).
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Light blue with a slight yellowish tinge. Clear rice, a little oaky. The palate has a strong sweetness derived from the rice. From the back, there is a bitter taste and a fragrant aroma of oak. The aftertaste has a clear outline of good water. This bottle is a good example of sweetness in a good sense.

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