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116 Katsuyama, Maniwa, Okayama
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GOZENSHU9blue bottle純米生酒
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Firm umami and refreshing light lactic-like acidity. The roundness of low-temperature aging is nice. The rice polishing ratio is low, but there is no cloying taste and it is refreshing. It is delicious! Sake rice: 100% Omachi grown in Okayama Prefecture Rice polishing ratio→65 Alcohol content→15%. Sake degree → +5 Acidity → 1.4 Amino acidity→1.2
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Typhoon No. 6 prevented us from leaving Amami Oshima... I found this bottle at a liquor store in Amami with good reviews! I don't know what will happen next, but let's drink and forget about it for now 🤣.
Good evening, Yuki 😃. I'm so sorry to hear that Amami Oshima is in trouble with typhoon 🌀😰. Did you bring your own alcohol 🍶? But your attitude of drinking and forgetting today...I think it's good 😆.
Yuki, nice to meet you & good evening😊. That's so Amami-Oshima 😅I know the weather can be a big problem when you go to the island. I wish you a safe trip back 👍 Until then, please go ahead and drink 😁.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😊. I found the sake at a liquor store on Amami Oshima! Tomorrow I found an izakaya that has sake I'm interested in, so I'm going there during the typhoon 😁.
kan, nice to meet you & good evening 😄. Thank you for praying for me ✨ I've found some good shochu and I'm afraid I'm going to get addicted to sake & brown sugar shochu 🥹.
Good evening, Yuki. The typhoon was a disaster, wasn't it? My friend lives in Okinawa, but she said she is staying indoors. Yuki, please drink well and stay safe until the typhoon subsides ✨.
Hi ma-ki-. Your friend is in Okinawa 😨I'm worried because there is quite a bit of damage... I'm going to spend the whole day drinking today ✨
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[Tasting notes 14/16 Dryer than the regular. Sour and crisp, I think I prefer this one.
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I finished work at 3pm today and had a sudden craving for seasoned chicken bars, so I went straight to the supermarket 😋. First I went to Yoshizuya but they didn't sell them 💦I got myself together and went to Aeon👍and again they didn't sell them 😅Feel, Yamanaka, Frante, Barrow also didn't have them💦and even if they did they weren't seasoned😭I gave up and on the way home I saw an Aoki supermarket so I half-heartedly stopped by and found it ‼️‼️ I finally got it 😆👍 I had to fry them myself but it wasn't hard at all 😆👍. Chose the 9 I bought the other day🤗. I haven't had Okayama sake since I bought it when I went all over the country, so it's been a really long time and I'm looking forward to it 😆👍. So let's open the bottle: ‼️ Aroma is fruity 👍 The taste is classic, but refreshing and easy to drink 🍶It goes well with this chicken bar 😘. I see it's 15 degrees for a beer that says "9" on the bottle.
Masa. Good evening 🎶I also had a bottle of Bodaihashiro the other day. It has a mild and refreshing taste, doesn't it? It's not too sharp for a sake, and it's easy to drink either cold or at room temperature. But it has a surprisingly high alcohol content.
Good evening, Rio Ahara 😄 I remember you drank Green Bottle 9 😆👍This was also refreshing and easy to drink with a meal 🤗I was surprised that it has a normal alcohol content even though it says 9 on the bottle 🤗Wow!
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This is my second Gozenshu Nine in several years. It tastes as complex as the bottle says new or old. It is easy to drink.
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After aging, the rich flavor derived from Omachi rice and the characteristic acidity of "Bodimoto" stand out in this clean, umami-guchi type Junmai sake. We recommend serving with fatty seasonal sashimi, eel, and hard cheeses (Mimolette Conte). Serve well chilled on its own or warmed. The oldest sake brewing method in Japan, the "Bodimoto" method, is used. The "Bodimoto" method is said to be the origin of various sake brewing methods. The characteristic feature of this process is "soyashi water," which is made by generating natural lactic acid bacteria in the water in which rice is added. This water is added at the beginning of the "Moto" making process, This water is added at the beginning of the "Moto" making process to promote alcohol fermentation while suppressing bacteria, This makes it possible to produce safe and clean sake even in the summer. NINE" challenges the roots of sake with a process that is rare in Japan, and continues to refine and innovate as never before. It is just smooth! The moment you put it in your mouth, ((**))gentleness spreads! The sharp taste of sake has been refined to the utmost limit! I enjoy it cold, but it might be better to drink it at room temperature or lukewarm for a better taste of the rice! I want to enjoy the change of temperature as well 🎶Thank you for such a sake today🙏!
Rio, also here 😊. I'd like to take the time to taste the Bodo sake once I get it ❣️ I'll remember to change the temperature if I can get it 😆👍
Pon-chan. It was very delicious! It has a white wine-like mouthfeel, but the rice flavor comes through afterwards! I recommend the process from cold to room temperature!

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